
Regulation 22(5)

SCHEDULE 5Particulars to be entered in the radiation passbook

1.  Individual serial number of the passbook.

2.  A statement that the passbook has been approved by the Executive for the purpose of these Regulations.

3.  Date of issue of the passbook by the approved dosimetry service.

4.  The name, telephone number and mark of endorsement of the issuing approved dosimetry service.

5.  The name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the employer.

6.  Full name (surname, forenames), date of birth, gender and national insurance number of the classified outside worker to whom the passbook has been issued.

7.  Date of the last medical review of the classified outside worker and the relevant classification in the health record maintained under regulation 25 as fit, fit subject to conditions (which shall be specified) or unfit.

8.  The relevant dose limits applicable to the classified outside worker to whom the passbook has been issued.

9.  The cumulative dose assessment in mSv for the year to date for the classified outside worker, external (whole body, organ or tissue) and/or internal as appropriate and the date of the end of the last assessment period.

10.  In respect of services performed by the classified outside worker—

(a)the name and address of the employer responsible for the controlled area;

(b)the period covered by the performance of the services;

(c)the following estimated dose information, as appropriate—

(i)an estimate of any whole body effective dose in mSv received by the classified outside worker;

(ii)in the event of non-uniform exposure, an estimate of the equivalent dose in mSv to organs and tissues as appropriate; and

(iii)in the event of internal contamination, an estimate of the activity taken in or the committed dose.