4.  As a minimum, the following information and properties – where appropriate – must be considered or tested. Each civil explosive should be tested under realistic conditions. If this is not possible in a laboratory, the test should be carried out in the conditions in which the civil explosive is to be used.N.I.

(a)Design and characteristic properties, including chemical composition, degree of homogeneity and, where appropriate, dimensions and grain size distribution.

(b)The physical and chemical stability of the civil explosive in all environmental conditions to which it may be exposed.

(c)Sensitiveness to impact and friction.

(d)Compatibility of all components as regards their physical and chemical stability.

(e)The chemical purity of the civil explosive.

(f)Resistance of the civil explosive against influence of water where it is intended to be used in humid or wet conditions and where its safety or reliability may be adversely affected by water.

(g)Resistance to low and high temperatures, where the civil explosive is intended to be kept or used at such temperatures and its safety or reliability may be adversely affected by cooling or heating of a component or of the civil explosive as a whole.

(h)The suitability of the civil explosive for use in hazardous environments (e.g. firedamp atmospheres, hot masses, etc.) if it is intended to be under such conditions.

(i)Safety features intended to prevent untimely or inadvertent initiation or ignition.

(j)The correct loading and functioning of the civil explosive when used for its intended purpose.

(k)Suitable instructions and, where necessary, markings in respect of safe handling, storage, use and disposal.

(l)The ability of the civil explosive, its wrapping or other components to withstand deterioration during storage until the “use by” date specified by the manufacturer.

(m)Specification of all devices and accessories needed for reliable and safe functioning of the civil explosive.