The Universal Credit, Personal Independence Payment, Jobseeker’s Allowance and Employment and Support Allowance (Claims and Payments) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2016

  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1 General

    1. 1.Citation and commencement

    2. 2.Interpretation

    3. 3.Use of electronic communications

    4. 4.Consequential amendments

    5. 5.Disapplication of section 1(1A) of the Administration Act

  3. PART 2 Claims

    1. 6.Claims not required for entitlement to employment and support allowance in certain cases

    2. 7.Making a claim for universal credit

    3. 8.Claims for universal credit by members of a couple

    4. 9.Date of claim for universal credit

    5. 10.Making a claim for personal independence payment

    6. 11.Date of claim for personal independence payment

    7. 12.Making a claim for an employment and support allowance by telephone

    8. 13.Date of claim for an employment and support allowance where claim made by telephone

    9. 14.Making a claim for an employment and support allowance in writing

    10. 15.Date of claim for an employment and support allowance where claim made in writing

    11. 16.Claims for an employment and support allowance where no entitlement to statutory sick pay

    12. 17.Special provisions where it is certified that a woman is expected to be confined or where she has been confined

    13. 18.Making a claim for a jobseeker’s allowance: attendance at an appropriate office

    14. 19.Date of claim where a person claiming a jobseeker’s allowance is required to attend at an appropriate office

    15. 20.Making a claim for a jobseeker’s allowance in writing

    16. 21.Date of claim for a jobseeker’s allowance where claim made in writing

    17. 22.Making a claim for a jobseeker’s allowance by telephone

    18. 23.Date of claim for a jobseeker’s allowance where claim made by telephone

    19. 24.Interchange with claims for other benefits

    20. 25.Time within which a claim to universal credit is to be made

    21. 26.Time within which a claim to a personal independence payment is to be made

    22. 27.Time within which a claim for an employment and support allowance is to be made

    23. 28.Time within which a claim for a jobseeker’s allowance is to be made

    24. 29.Amendment of claim

    25. 30.Withdrawal of claim

    26. 31.Advance claim for and award of universal credit

    27. 32.Advance claim for and award of personal independence payment

    28. 33.Advance claim for and award of an employment and support allowance or a jobseeker’s allowance

    29. 34.Attendance in person

    30. 35.Duration of awards

  4. PART 3 Evidence, information and notification of changes of circumstances

    1. 36.Evidence and information in connection with a claim

    2. 37.Evidence and information in connection with an award

    3. 38.Evidence and information required from pension fund holders

    4. 39.Notification of changes of circumstances for purposes of sections 105A and 106 of the Administration Act

  5. PART 4 Payments

    1. 40.Time of payment; general provision

    2. 41.Direct credit transfer

    3. 42.Payment of universal credit

    4. 43.Payment of personal independence payment

    5. 44.Days for payment of personal independence payment

    6. 45.Payment of personal independence payment at a daily rate between periods in hospital or other accommodation

    7. 46.Payment of an employment and support allowance

    8. 47.Payment of a jobseeker’s allowance

    9. 48.Fractional amounts of benefit

    10. 49.Payments to persons under age 18

    11. 50.Extinguishment of right to payment if payment is not obtained within the prescribed period

    12. 51.Payments on death

  6. PART 5 Third Parties

    1. 52.Persons unable to act

    2. 53.Payment to another person on the claimant’s behalf

    3. 54.Direct payment to lender of deductions in respect of interest secured on loans

    4. 55.Deductions which may be made from benefit and paid to third parties

  7. PART 6 Mobility component of personal independence payment

    1. 56.Cases where mobility component of personal independence payment not payable

    2. 57.Payment of personal independence payment on behalf of a claimant (Motability)

    3. 58.Power of the Department to terminate an arrangement (Motability)

    4. 59.Restriction on duration of arrangements by the Department (Motability)

  8. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Electronic communications

      1. PART 1 Use of electronic communications

        1. 1.Use of electronic communications by the Department

        2. 2.Conditions for the use of electronic communications by other persons

        3. 3.Use of intermediaries

      2. PART 2 Evidential provisions

        1. 4.Effect of delivering information by electronic communications

        2. 5.Proof of delivery

        3. 6.Proof of identity

        4. 7.Proof of content

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Consequential amendments

      1. 1.(1) The Social Security (Claims and Payments) Regulations (Northern Ireland)...

      2. 2.In regulation 80(5) of the Housing Benefit Regulations (Northern Ireland)...

      3. 3.In regulation 9 of the Integration Loans for Refugees and...

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Special provisions relating to claims for a jobseeker’s allowance during periods connected with public holidays

      1. 1.In this Schedule— “Christmas and New Year holidays” means the...

      2. 2.Where a claim for a jobseeker’s allowance is made during...

      3. 3.For the purposes of paragraph 2 the periods are—

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Direct payment to lender of deductions in respect of interest on secured loans

      1. 1.(1) In this Schedule— “housing costs element” means an amount...

      2. 2.Relevant claimants and benefits from which payments are to be made

      3. 3.Circumstances in which direct payments of loan interest to be made

      4. 4.Determining the amount to be paid to a qualifying lender

      5. 5.Determining the amount to be paid to a qualifying lender: more than one loan

      6. 6.Qualifying lenders to apply direct payments in discharge of borrower’s liability

      7. 7.Application by qualifying lenders of any amount which exceeds liability

      8. 8.Time and manner of payments

      9. 9.Fees payable by qualifying lenders

      10. 10.Election not to be regarded as a qualifying lender

      11. 11.Provision of information

      12. 12.Recovery of sums wrongly paid

    5. SCHEDULE 5

      Deductions from benefit and direct payment to third parties

      1. 1.Interpretation

      2. 2.General

      3. 3.Limitations applicable to deductions made under this Schedule

      4. 4.Maximum amount

      5. 5.Priority as between certain debts

      6. 6.Housing costs

      7. 7.Rent and service charges included in rent

      8. 8.Fuel costs

      9. 9.Rates

      10. 10.Water charges

      11. 11.Payments in place of payments of child support maintenance

      12. 12.Integration loans

    6. SCHEDULE 6

      Deductions from benefit in respect of child support maintenance and payment to persons with care

      1. 1.Interpretation

      2. 2.Deductions

      3. 3.Arrears

      4. 4.Apportionment

      5. 5.Flat rate maintenance

      6. 6.Notice

  9. Explanatory Note