

PART 2Family and Children Order Proceedings – Family Care Centre

Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995(1) – including Children Order appeals from the Family Proceedings Court

Table 1:

Solicitor – Hourly Rates

Work TypeRate
Preparation£58 per hour
Letters Written£3.65 per item
Letters Received£1.85 per item
Telephone Calls£3.65 per call
Non Standard Telephone Call (over 5 minutes)£58 per hour
Advocacy – Solicitor Alone£64 per hour
Consultation with Counsel£32.50 per hour
Advocacy – Solicitor with Counsel£32.50 per hour

Table 2:

Counsel – Composite Fees

Work TypeComposite Fee
On an unopposed application or a procedural issue

Standard £76.25

Maximum £127

On the trial of a cause or matter, or the hearing of an application:
- Where the hearing lasts for up to half a day

Standard £140

Maximum £268

- Full Day

Standard £317.75

Maximum £508.50

- Refresher£140 for each additional day
Consultation£35.50 per hour
Complex items of work (opinions, affidavits)£82.75 per item
All other written work£50.25 per item

Table 3:

Children Order – Proceedings under Articles 44 and 50

Work TypeSolicitor’s Composite Fee
Composite Fee£3,500
Additional Full Day£400
Additional Half Day£200
Judgment Fee£150
35% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£1,225
20% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£700

Table 4:

Children Order – All Other Proceedings

Work TypeSolicitor’s Composite Fee
Composite Fee£2,000
Additional Full Day£400
Additional Half Day£200
Judgment Fee£150
35% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£700
20% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£400

Table 5:

Children Order – Appeals from the Family Proceedings Court – Proceedings under Articles 44 and 50

Work TypeSolicitor’s Composite Fee
Composite Fee£1,400
Additional Full Day£400
Additional Half Day£200
Judgment Fee£150
35% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£490
20% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£280

Table 6:

Children Order – Appeals from the Family Proceedings Court – Re Other Proceedings

Work TypeSolicitor’s Composite Fee
Composite fee£800
Additional Full Day£400
Additional Half Day£200
Judgment Fee£150
35% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£280
20% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£160

Table 7:

Proceedings under Adoption (Northern Ireland) Order 1987(2) – Freeing Order

Work TypeSolicitor’s Composite Fee
Composite Fee£3,500
Additional Full Day£400
Additional Half Day£200
Judgment Fee£150
35% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£1,225
20% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£700

Table 8:

Combined Proceedings – Freeing Order and Article 50

Work TypeSolicitor’s Composite Fee
Composite Fee£5,000
Additional Full day£400
Additional Half Day£200
Judgment Fee£150
35% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£1,750
20% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£1,000

Table 9:

Adoption Order – Contested

Work TypeSolicitor’s Composite Fee
Composite Fee£3,500
Additional Full Day£400
Additional Half Day£200
Judgment Fee£150
35% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£1,225
20% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£700

Table 10:

Adoption Order – Uncontested

Work TypeSolicitor’s Composite Fee
Composite Fee£400
Additional Full Day£400
Additional Half Day£200
Judgment Fee£150
35% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£140
20% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£80

Table 11:

Proceedings under Family Homes and Domestic Violence (Northern Ireland) Order 1988(3) – Non-Molestation / Occupation Order

Work TypeSolicitor’s Composite Fee
Composite Fee£528
Additional Full Day£400
Additional Half day£200
Judgment Fee£150
35% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£184.80
20% of Composite Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£105.60

Table 12:

Children Order – All Proceedings

Item of WorkJunior CounselSenior Counsel
Brief Fee£2,000£3,000
Directions and Written Work£780£1,170
Refresher – Full Day£400£600
Refresher – Half Day£200£300
Judgment Fee£150£225
35% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£700£1,050
20% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£400£600

Table 13:

Children Order – Appeals from the Family Proceedings Court – No New Evidence

Item of WorkJunior CounselSenior Counsel
Brief Fee£800£1,200
Directions and Written Work£195£292.50
Refresher – Full Day£400£600
Refresher – Half Day£200£300
Judgment Fee£150£225
35% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£280£420
20% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£160£240

Table 14:

Children Order – Appeals from the Family Proceedings Court – New Evidence

Item of WorkJunior CounselSenior Counsel
Brief Fee£1,500£2,250
Directions and Written work£312£468
Refresher – Full Day£400£600
Refresher – Half Day£200£300
Judgment Fee£150£225
35% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£525£787.50
20% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£300£450

Table 15:

Proceedings under Adoption (Northern Ireland) Order 1987(4) – Freeing Order

Item of WorkJunior CounselSenior Counsel
Brief Fee£2,500£3,750
Directions and Written Work£780£1,170
Refresher – Full Day£400£600
Refresher – Half Day£200£300
Judgment Fee£150£225
35% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£875£1,312.50
20% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£500£750

Table 16:

Combined Proceedings – Freeing Order and Article 50

Item of WorkJunior CounselSenior Counsel
Brief Fee£3,520£5,280
Directions and Written Work£1,170£1,755
Refresher – Full Day£400£600
Refresher – Half Day£200£300
Judgment Fee£200£300
35% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£1,232£1,848
20% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£7041,056

Table 17:

Adoption Order – Contested

Item of WorkJunior CounselSenior Counsel
Brief Fee£2,500£3,750
Directions and Written Work£780£1,170
Refresher – Full Day£400£600
Refresher – Half Day£200£300
Judgment Fee£150£225
35% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£875£1,312.50
20% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£500£750

Table 18:

Adoption Order – Uncontested

Item of WorkJunior CounselSenior Counsel
Brief Fee£1,150£1,725
Directions and Written Work£312£468
Refresher – Full Day£400£600
Refresher – Half Day£200£300
Judgment Fee£150£225
35% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£402.50£603.75
20% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£230£345

Table 19:

Proceedings under Family Homes and Domestic Violence (Northern Ireland) Order 1998(5) – Non-Molestation / Occupation Order

Item of WorkJunior CounselSenior Counsel
Brief Fee£1,500£2,250
Directions and Written Work£780£1,170
Refresher – Full Day£400£600
Refresher – Half Day£200£300
Judgment Fee£150£225
35% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£525£787.50
20% Brief Fee – Case Withdrawn or Transferred£300£450