PART 2Family and Children Order Proceedings

Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 M1F1or Article 31B of the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings (Northern Ireland) Order 1989

Solicitor's remuneration can be claimed on the basis of either Hourly Rates (Table 1) or Composite Fees (Table 2), at the election of the solicitor

Table 1:Solicitor – Hourly Rates

Work Type


F3Consultation (other than with Counsel) and Preparation

£58 per hour

Letters Written

£3.65 per item

Letters Received

£1.85 per item

Telephone Calls

£3.65 per call

Non Standard Telephone Call (over 5 minutes)

£58 per hour

Advocacy – Solicitor Alone

£64 per hour

Consultation with Counsel

£32.50 per hour

Advocacy – Solicitor attending Counsel

£32.50 per hour

Table 2:Solicitor – Composite Fees

Work Type

Composite Fee

Private Law


Public Law


Table 3:Counsel – Composite Fees

Work Type

Composite Fee

On an unopposed application or a procedural issue

Standard £76.25

Maximum £127

On the trial of a cause or matter, or the hearing of an application:

-Where the hearing lasts for up to half a day

Standard £140

Maximum £268

- Full Day

Standard £317.75

Maximum £508.50


£140 for each additional day

F2Consultation and Preparation

£35.50 per hour

Complex items of work (opinion, affidavits)

£82.75 per item

All other written work

£50.25 per item