PART 3Additional Responsibilities of Responsible Officers

Additional responsibilities of responsible officers: prescribed connection under regulation 814


Where a responsible officer has responsibilities under regulation 9 in respect of a medical practitioner who has a prescribed connection with a designated body in accordance with regulation 8, the responsible officer has the following additional responsibilities.


In relation to monitoring medical practitioners’ conduct and performance, the responsible officer must—


review regularly the general performance information held by the designated body, including clinical indicators relating to patient outcomes;


identify any issues arising from this information relating to medical practitioners, such as variations in individual performance; and


ensure that the designated body takes steps to address any such issues.


In relation to ensuring that appropriate action is taken in response to concerns about medical practitioners’ conduct or performance, the responsible officer must—


initiate investigations with appropriately qualified investigators;


ensure that procedures are in place to address concerns raised by patients or staff of the designated body or arising from any other source;


ensure that any investigation into the conduct or performance of a medical practitioner takes into account any other relevant matters within the designated body, for example wider concerns about operational or systems issues;


consider the need for further monitoring of the medical practitioner’s conduct and performance and ensure that this takes place where appropriate;


ensure that a medical practitioner who is subject to procedures under this paragraph is kept informed about the progress of the investigation;


ensure that procedures under this paragraph include provision for the medical practitioner’s comments to be sought and taken into account where appropriate;


where appropriate—


take any steps necessary to protect patients,


recommend to the medical practitioner’s employer that the medical practitioner should be suspended or have conditions or restrictions placed on their practice, and


identify concerns and ensure that appropriate measures are taken to address these, including but not limited to—


requiring the medical practitioner to undergo training or retraining,


offering rehabilitation services,


providing opportunities to increase the medical practitioner’s work experience,


addressing any systemic issues within the designated body which may have contributed to the concerns identified,


maintain accurate records of all steps taken in accordance with this paragraph.

Additional responsibilities of responsible officers: prescribed connection under regulation 1015


Where a responsible officer has responsibilities under regulation 11 in respect of a medical practitioner who has a prescribed connection with a designated body in accordance with regulation 10, the responsible officer has the following additional responsibilities.


In relation to monitoring medical practitioners’ conduct and performance, the responsible officer must—


review regularly the general performance information held by the designated body, including clinical indicators relating to outcomes for patients;


identify any issues arising from that information relating to medical practitioners, such as variations in individual performance; and


take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that the designated body addresses any such issues.


In relation to ensuring that appropriate action is taken in response to concerns about medical practitioners’ conduct or performance, the responsible officer must take all reasonably practicable steps to—


ensure that the body for whom the medical practitioner is the responsible officer initiates investigations with appropriately qualified investigators;


ensure that procedures are in place to address concerns raised about the medical practitioner by patients or staff of that body or arising from any other source;


ensure that any investigation into the conduct or performance of a medical practitioner takes into account any other relevant matters within that body;


consider the need for further monitoring of the medical practitioner’s conduct and performance and take steps to ensure that this takes place where appropriate;


ensure that a medical practitioner who is subject to procedures under this paragraph is kept informed about the progress of the investigation;


ensure that procedures under this paragraph include provision for the medical practitioner’s comments to be sought and taken into account where appropriate;


where appropriate—


take any steps necessary to protect patients,


recommend to the medical practitioner’s employer that the practitioner should be suspended or have conditions or restrictions placed on their practice, and


identify concerns and ensure that appropriate measures are taken to address these, including but not limited to—


requiring the medical practitioner to undergo training or retraining,


offering rehabilitation services,


providing opportunities to increase the medical practitioner’s work experience,


maintain accurate records of all steps taken in accordance with this paragraph.

Duty to have regard to guidance16

In discharging their responsibility under regulations 14 and 15, responsible officers shall have regard to the following—


guidance given by the Department in accordance with section 120(6) of the 2008 Act; and


guidance given by the National Clinical Assessment Service division of the National Patient Safety Agency12, to the extent that it relates to the nomination or appointment of responsible officers or their prescribed responsibilities.

Provision of resources to responsible officers17


Each designated body must provide its responsible officer with sufficient funds and other resources necessary to enable the officer to discharge their responsibilities for that body under regulations 14 and 15.


Where the designated body does not employ its responsible officer, the body must provide the resources referred to in paragraph (1) to—


where the responsible officer is employed, the employer of the officer, and


in any other case, the responsible officer.


Where a medical practitioner has a prescribed connection with a designated body by virtue of sub-paragraph (d), (e) or (f) of regulation 8(1), the medical practitioner must provide the designated body with sufficient funds necessary to enable the responsible officer nominated or appointed for that body to discharge their responsibilities under regulation 14 relating to that medical practitioner.


The designated body must determine the amount of sufficient funds referred to in paragraph (3) and provide to the medical practitioner a written demand for the sum required to be paid.