The Education (Curriculum Minimum Content) Order (Northern Ireland) 2007


Pupils should be enabled to:

  • participate in modelled, shared, paired and guided reading activities;

  • read, and be read to from a wide selection of poetry and prose;

  • read with some independence for enjoyment and information;

  • read, explore, understand and make use of a range of traditional and digital texts;

  • re-tell, re-read and act out a range of texts, representing ideas through drama, pictures, diagrams and ICT;

  • begin to locate, select and use texts for specific purposes;

  • research and manage information relevant to specific purposes, using traditional and digital sources, and present their findings in a variety of ways;

  • use a range of comprehension skills, both oral and written, to interpret and discuss texts;

  • explore and begin to understand how texts are structured in a range of genres;

  • explore and interpret a range of visual texts;

  • express opinions and give reasons based on what they have read;

  • begin to use evidence from text to support their views;

  • read and share their own books of stories and poems including the use of digital resources;

  • build up a sight vocabulary;

  • use a range of strategies to identify unfamiliar words;

  • talk with the teacher about ways in which language is written down, identifying phrases, words, patterns or letters and other features of written language;

  • recognise and notice how words are constructed and spelt.