The Fishing Vessels (Decommissioning) Scheme (Northern Ireland) 2001

Decommissioning grants

3.—(1) Any person who owns a registered vessel—

(a)which is at least 10 metres in length;

(b)in respect of which there is a licence, which authorises fishing in all or any part of the Community waters for all or any of the sea fish for which the United Kingdom has a share of the Community total allowable catch(1);

(c)which whilst registered as a United Kingdom vessel has spent at least 75 days at sea on fishing trips in the calendar year 1999 and at least 75 days at sea on fishing trips in the calendar year 2000;

(d)which has been based in Northern Ireland during the period from 1st January 2001 up to and including the date of application relating to the vessel under this Scheme;

(e)which, had, on the date of the application a valid vessel certificate under the provisions of the Fishing Vessels (Safety Provisions) Rules 1975(2);

(f)which is at least 10 years old at the date of application; and

(g)which is in the same ownership at the time of application as on 1st January 2001.

may make an application to the Department for grant aid in respect of that vessel.


See Council Regulation (E.C.) No. 2848/00 (O.J. No. L334, 15.12.00, p. 1) as amended by Council Regulation (O.J. No. L96, 6.4.01, p. 1), which, for the year 2001, fixes the total allowable catches (TACs) for certain fish stock and groups of fish stock and specifies the allocation of the share of the TACs available to each Member State


S.I. 1975/330, as amended by S.I. 1975/471, 1976/432, 1977/313, 1977/498, 1978/1598, 1978/1873, 1981/567, 1991/1342 and by the Fisheries Act 1981, Schedule 3, paragraph 8(3)