Education (Student Support) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000

Revocations and transitional provisions

3.—(1) The 1999 Regulations, the Education (Student Support) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1999(1) and the Education (Student Support) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000(2) shall be revoked on 1st September 2000.

(2) The 1999 Regulations shall apply to the provision of support to students in relation to an academic year which begins before 1st September 2000, and these Regulations shall apply in relation to the provision of support in connection with attendance at a course during an academic year which begins on or after 1st September 2000, whether anything done under either Regulations is done before or after 1st September 2000.

(3) Accordingly the revocation of the 1999 Regulations shall not affect their continued operation after 1st September 2000 for the purpose of providing support as aforesaid.

(4) Notwithstanding any other provision of these Regulations, where—

(a)a person attends a course in respect of which a transitional award was made to him; or

(b)no award was made but a transitional award would have been made to him if he had applied for an award and his resources had not exceeded his requirements,

he shall be eligible for support by way of grant under Parts III and IV in connection with his attendance at the course, or in connection with his attendance at any subsequent course to which the award (either made or which would have been made) would have been transferred if transitional awards provided for payments after the first year of a course, but unless paragraph (5) applies he shall only be eligible for support by way of loan under Part V if he satisfies the conditions for eligibility in these Regulations.

(5) Notwithstanding any other provision of these Regulations where any person received or was eligible to receive a loan in relation to an academic year of a course under the 1998 Regulations he shall be eligible for support by way of loan under Part V in connection with his attendance at the course, or any subsequent designated course which (disregarding any intervening vacation) he starts attending immediately after ceasing to attend that course, but unless paragraph (4) applies he shall only be eligible for support by way of grant under Parts III and IV if he satisfies the conditions for eligibility in these Regulations.

(6) If the eligibility of a person mentioned in paragraph (4) is transferred under regulation 7 regulation 10(9) shall apply but only where the necessary recommendation or consent to the transfer is given later than four months after the end of the first academic year of the course.

(7) Where under the 1998 Regulations a person received or was eligible to receive a loan in relation to an academic year of a part-time course of initial training for teachers he shall be eligible for support by way of loan under Part V calculated in accordance with these Regulations, except that where regulation 12(2)(b) applies regulation 19(13) shall not apply, and for the amounts referred to in regulation 19(1) and (2) there shall be substituted for the amounts in column one the corresponding amounts in column two:

Column (1)Column (2)

(8) Part VIII of the 1999 Regulations (other than regulation 27) shall apply to loans until 1st September 2000, and Part IX of these Regulations shall apply to loans on and after 1st September 2000.