Amendment to the Foyle Area (Licensing of Fishing Engines) Regulations 19762

There shall be substituted for the Schedule to the Foyle Area (Licensing of Fishing Engines) Regulations 19765, the following Schedule:—


Part I

Description of Fishing Engine

Fishing Licence Fee


Draft Net used wholly or partly in the tidal waters of the River Foyle between the confluence of the Rivers Mourne and Finn and an imaginary straight line drawn across the River Foyle to join the points where the southernmost boundary of the County of Londonderry meets the river on each side


Draft Net used wholly or partly in the River Roe upstream of the defined mouth


  • Draft Net used wholly in the waters of the Foyle Area elsewhere than in—

    1. a

      the tidal waters of the River Foyle between the confluence of the Rivers Mourne and Finn and an imaginary straight line drawn across the River Foyle to join the points where the southernmost boundary of the County of Londonderry meets the river on each side; or

    2. b

      the River Roe upstream of the defined mouth


Drift Net used wholly to seaward of Lough Foyle (the seaward limit of which, for the purpose of these Regulations, shall be deemed to be an imaginary straight line drawn between Greencastle Fort in the County of Donegal and the Martello Tower at Magilligan Point in the County of Londonderry)


Drift Net used wholly in Lough Foyle, south of the seaward limit of Lough Foyle as aforesaid


Drift Net used wholly in Lough Foyle, or partly in the said Lough Foyle and partly seaward of the seaward limit of Lough Foyle as aforesaid


Part II

Description of Fishing Engine

Fishing Licence Fee


Stake Net


Bag Net


Fixed Draft Net


Part III

Description of Fishing Engine

Fishing Licence Fee


Season Game Fishing Rod and Line


Fourteen Day Game Fishing Rod and Line


One Day Game Fishing Rod and Line


Season Game Fishing Rod and Line to be used by persons under the age of eighteen


Season Game Fishing Rod and Line provided applicant can produce at the time of application a season game fishing rod licence for the time being in force and issued by the Fisheries Conservancy Board for Northern Ireland or a salmon rod (annual) ordinary licence for the time being in force and issued under section 67 of the Fisheries (Consolidation) Act 19596 or a salmon rod (annual) (district) ordinary licence, for the time being in force and issued under section 16 of the Fisheries (Amendment) Act 19917
