Food Safety (Fishery Products and Live Shellfish) (Hygiene) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1998

2.  Areas used for the preparation and processing or freezing/quick-freezing of fishery products must have—

(a)a non-slip floor that is also easy to clean and disinfect and equipped for easy drainage of water. Structures and fixtures must have limber holes that are large enough not to be obstructed by fish waste and to allow water to drain freely;

(b)walls and ceilings that are easy to clean, particularly where there are pipes, chains or electricity conduits;

(c)the hydraulic circuits must be arranged or protected in such a way as to ensure that it is not possible for any leakage of oil to contaminate fishery products;

(d)adequate ventilation and, where necessary, proper vapour extraction;

(e)adequate lighting;

(f)appliances for cleaning and disinfecting tools, equipment and fittings;

(g)appliances for cleaning and disinfecting the hands with taps that are not hand-operable and with single use towels.