
SCHEDULE 1Convention between the Government of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and The Government of Jamaica on Social Security

Part IVBenefit Provisions

Section 3Benefits for Industrial Accidents and Industrial Diseases

Article 22
General Provisions

(1) Where a person is employed in the territory of one Party and the legislation of the other Party applies to him in accordance with any of the provisions of Articles 7 to 11, he shall be treated under the legislation of the latter Party for the purpose of any claim to benefit in respect of an industrial accident or an industrial disease contracted during that employment, as if the accident had occurred or the disease had been contracted in the territory of the latter Party. Where benefit would be payable in respect of that claim if the person were in the territory of the latter Party, it shall be payable while he is in the territory of the former Party.

(2) Where a person leaves the territory of one Party to go in the course of his employment to the territory of the other Party, but before he arrives in the latter territory sustains an accident, then, for the purpose of any claim to benefit in respect of that accident—

(a)the accident shall be treated as if it had occurred in the territory of the Party whose legislation applied to him at the time the accident occurred; and

(b)his absence from the territory of that Party shall be disregarded in determining whether his employment was as an employed person under that legislation.

(3) Where a seasonal worker who is entitled to industrial injury benefit under the legislation of Guernsey goes to Jamaica, he shall be entitled to continue to receive such benefit for a period of not more than 13 weeks from the date of departure from Guernsey.

(4) Where because of a death resulting from an industrial accident or an industrial disease, a benefit would be payable under the legislation of one Party in respect of a child if that child were in the territory of that Party, that benefit shall be payable while the child is in the territory of the other Party.

Article 23
Dual Attribution and Aggravation of an Industrial Disease

(1) Subject to paragraph (2), where a person contracts an industrial disease, after having been employed in the territories of both Parties in an occupation to which, under the legislation of both Parties, the disease may be attributed and he would be entitled to receive benefit in respect of that disease under the legislation of both Parties, whether by virtue of this Convention or otherwise, the benefit shall be payable only under the legislation of the Party in whose territory he was last employed in that occupation before the disease was diagnosed.

(2) Where a person has suffered an aggravation of an industrial disease for which benefit has been paid in accordance with paragraph (1), the following provisions shall apply—

(a)if the person has not had further employment in an occupation to which the disease or the aggravation may be attributed, or has had such employment only in the territory of the Party under whose legislation benefit has been paid, any additional benefit to which he may become entitled as a result of such aggravation shall be payable only under that legislation;

(b)if the person makes a claim under the legislation of the Party in whose territory he is employed on the ground that he has suffered an aggravation of the disease while he was employed in the territory of that Party in an occupation to which, under the legislation of that Party, the aggravation may be attributed, the competent authority of that Party shall be liable to pay benefit only in respect of the aggravation as determined under the legislation of that Party.

Article 24
Dual Entitlement

A person shall not be entitled, whether by virtue of this Convention or otherwise, to receive sickness benefit, including industrial injury benefit under the legislation of Guernsey, invalidity benefit or maternity allowance under the legislation of the United Kingdom for any period during which he is entitled to benefit, other than a pension, under the legislation of the other Party in respect of incapacity for work which results from an industrial accident or an industrial disease.