
SCHEDULE 4Restraint of Animals before Stunning, Slaughter or Killing

9.—(1) No person shall operate, or cause or permit to be operated, any shackle line unless—

(a)each bird suspended from it is kept clear of any object which may cause it avoidable excitement, pain or suffering, including when its wings are outstretched, until it is stunned;

(b)it is possible to relieve any avoidable excitement, pain or suffering which a bird suspended from a shackle appears to be suffering or to remove such a bird from the shackle; and

(c)the speed at which the shackle line is operated is such that any act or operation intended to be performed in relation to, or on, any bird suspended from it can be performed without undue haste and with proper regard for the welfare of the bird.

(2) No person shall, in connection with the slaughter or killing of any bird, use, or cause or permit to be used, any shackle line, machine or other equipment unless—

(a)there is ready access to any such equipment used on live birds and its controls; and

(b)except in an emergency to relieve suffering, it is used in connection with the slaughter or killing of birds of the type, size and weight for which it was designed.