The Arrangements for Placement of Children (General) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1996

  1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Citation, commencement and interpretation

  3. 2.Application of Regulations

  4. 3.Making of arrangements

  5. 4.Considerations on making and contents of arrangements

  6. 5.Notification of arrangements

  7. 6.Arrangements for contact

  8. 7.Health requirements

  9. 8.Establishment of records

  10. 9.Retention and confidentiality of records

  11. 10.Register

  12. 11.Access by guardians ad litem to records and register

  13. 12.Arrangements between authorities and area authorities

  14. 13.Application of Regulations to short-term placements

  15. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Considerations to which responsible authorities are to have regard

      1. 1.In the case of a child who is in care,...

      2. 2.Where the responsible authority is an authority, whether the authority...

      3. 3.Arrangements for contact, and whether there is any need for...

      4. 4.The responsible authority’s immediate and long-term arrangements for the child,...

      5. 5.Where the responsible authority is an authority, whether an independent...

      6. 6.Whether arrangements need to be made for the time when...

      7. 7.Whether plans need to be made to find a permanent...

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Health considerations to which responsible authorities are to have regard

      1. 1.The child’s state of health.

      2. 2.The child’s health history.

      3. 3.The effect of the child’s health and health history on...

      4. 4.Existing arrangements for the child’s medical and dental care and...

      5. 5.The possible need for an appropriate course of action which...

      6. 6.The possible need for preventive measures, such as vaccination and...

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Educational considerations to which responsible authorities are to have regard

      1. 1.The child’s educational history.

      2. 2.The need to achieve continuity in the child’s education.

      3. 3.The need to identify any educational need which the child...

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Matters to be included in arrangements to accommodate children who are not in care

      1. 1.The type of accommodation to be provided and its address...

      2. 2.The details of any services to be provided for the...

      3. 3.The respective responsibilities of the responsible authority and—

      4. 4.What delegation there has been by the persons referred to...

      5. 5.The arrangements for involving those persons and the child in...

      6. 6.The arrangements for contact between the child and—

      7. 7.The arrangements for notifying changes in arrangements for contact to...

      8. 8.In the case of a child aged 16 or over...

      9. 9.The expected duration of arrangements and the steps which should...

  16. Explanatory Note