The Rules of the Supreme Court (Northern Ireland) (Revision) 1980

Order for interim payment

20.—(1) Where in an action in which there is a claim for possession of land it appears to the Court that, in the event of a final judgment or order being given or made in favour of the plaintiff, the defendant would be held liable to pay to the plaintiff a sum of money in respect of the defendant's use and occupation of the land during the pendency of the action, the Court may, on the application of the plaintiff, and without prejudice to any contentions of the parties as to the nature or character of the sum to be paid by the defendant, order the defendant to make a payment (in this rule referred to as an “interim payment”) on account of that sum.

(2) No such order for an interim payment shall be made unless it appears to the Court that, even if a final judgment or order were given or made in favour of the defendant, he would still be under an obligation to pay the plaintiff for his use and occupation of the land, whether by way of rent, mesne profits or otherwise.

(3) An order under this rule may be for the payment of—

(a)a sum not exceeding the amount which, if a final judgment or order were given or made in favour of the defendant, would be payable by him in respect of his use and occupation of the land up to the date of the order, or

(b)periodical payments during the pendency of the action, or

(c)a combination of both.

(4) Subject to Order 80, rule 10 the amount of any interim payment ordered to be made shall be paid to the plaintiff unless the order provides for it to be paid into court; and when the amount is paid into court, the Court may, on the ex parte application of the plaintiff, order the whole or any part of it to be paid out to him at such time or times as the Court thinks fit.