The Electricity (Single Wholesale Market) (Northern Ireland) Order 2007

This section has no associated Explanatory Memorandum

1.—(1) Where the SEM Committee has made a determination under Article 8 in respect of a licence holder, any member of staff of the Authority who is authorised in writing by the Authority to do so (“an investigating officer”) may enter any premises owned or occupied by that or any other licence holder for the purposes of investigating on behalf of the Authority whether any such contravention as is mentioned in that Article has occurred or is occurring.

(2) No investigating officer is to enter any premises in the exercise of his powers under this paragraph unless he has given to the occupier of the premises a written notice which—

(a)gives at least 2 working days' notice of the intended entry;

(b)indicates the subject matter and purpose of the investigation; and

(c)indicates the nature of the offences created by paragraph 4.

(3) Sub-paragraph (2) does not apply—

(a)if the SEM Committee has reasonable grounds for suspecting that the premises are, or have been, occupied by the licence holder in respect of whom the determination under Article 8 was made; or

(b)if the investigating officer has taken all such steps as are reasonably practicable to give notice but has not been able to do so.

(4) In a case falling within sub-paragraph (3), the power of entry conferred by sub-paragraph (1) is to be exercised by the investigating officer on production of—

(a)evidence of his authorisation; and

(b)a document containing the information referred to in sub-paragraph (2)(b) and (c).

(6) Subject to paragraph 3, an investigating officer entering any premises under this paragraph may—

(a)take with him—

(i)such equipment as appears to him to be necessary; and

(ii)any other relevant officer whom the Authority has authorised in writing to accompany the investigating officer;

(b)require any person on the premises—

(i)to produce any document which he considers relates to any matter relevant to the investigation; and

(ii)if the document is produced, to provide an explanation of it;

(c)require any person to state, to the best of his knowledge and belief, where any such document is to be found;

(d)take copies of, or extracts from, any document which is produced;

(e)require any information which is stored in any electronic form and is accessible from the premises and which the investigating officer considers relates to any matter relevant to the investigation, to be produced in a form—

(i)in which it can be taken away, and

(ii)in which it is visible and legible or from which it can readily be produced in a visible and legible form;

(f)take any steps which appear to be necessary for the purpose of preserving or preventing interference with any document which he considers relates to any matter relevant to the investigation.

(7) In this paragraph and paragraph 2—

“premises” does not include premises used as a dwelling,

“relevant officer” means a member of the staff of the Authority or of CER,

“working day” means any day other than Saturday, Sunday or a day which is a public holiday in Northern Ireland.