The Water and Sewerage Services (Northern Ireland) Order 2006

General duty of the Authority to keep matters under review
This section has no associated Explanatory Memorandum

60.—(1) It shall be the duty of the Authority, so far as it appears to it practicable to do so, to keep under review the carrying on both in Northern Ireland and elsewhere of activities connected with the matters in relation to which water undertakers or sewerage undertakers carry out functions.

(2) It shall also be the duty of the Authority, so far as it appears to it practicable to do so, to collect information with respect to—

(a)the carrying out by companies appointed under Chapter I of the functions of relevant undertakers; or

(b)any such company,

with a view to its becoming aware of, and ascertaining the circumstances relating to, matters with respect to which any power or duty is conferred or imposed on it by or under any statutory provision.

(3) The Department may give general directions indicating considerations to which the Authority should have particular regard in determining the order of priority in which matters are to be brought under review in performing its duty under paragraph (1) or (2); and it shall be the duty of the Authority to comply with any such directions.

(4) It shall be the duty of the Authority, where either it considers it expedient or it is requested by the Department or the OFT to do so, to give information, advice and assistance to the Department or the OFT with respect to any matter relating to—

(a)the functions of either description of relevant undertaker; or

(b)the carrying out of any such functions by a company holding an appointment under Chapter I.