The Water and Sewerage Services (Northern Ireland) Order 2006

Power to construct lateral drains following provision of public sewer
This section has no associated Explanatory Memorandum

158.—(1) Where a sewerage undertaker provides a public sewer pursuant to a duty to do so imposed on it by Article 154 or Article 157, the undertaker may, at the request of the person mentioned in paragraph (2), also provide at the same time one or more lateral drains to be used for the drainage for domestic sewerage purposes of premises in its area and to communicate with that sewer.

(2) A request under paragraph (1) may be made—

(a)in the case of a public sewer to be provided under Article 154, by the person who requires the provision of the sewer under that Article; and

(b)in the case of a public sewer to be provided under Article 157, by the owner or occupier of any premises in respect of which the duty to provide the sewer arises under that Article (but any request may only be for the provision of a lateral drain to his premises).

(3) The person making a request under this Article shall pay to the sewerage undertaker, following provision of the lateral drain, the costs reasonably incurred in or in connection with providing that drain.

(4) Any dispute between the sewerage undertaker and the person making a request under this Article as to—

(a)whether a lateral drain should be provided pursuant to the request; or

(b)the costs reasonably incurred in the provision of a lateral drain,

may be referred to the Authority for determination under Article 61 by either party to the dispute.

(5) Any lateral drain provided pursuant to a request made to a sewerage undertaker under this Article shall belong to the undertaker.