Power of High Court to revise contractsN.I.

99.—(1) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), where a term is included in or omitted from a contract in contravention of any provision of Part III or IV or in consequence of such a contravention, then, notwithstanding that the making of the contract is an unlawful act, neither the contract nor any part of it is unenforceable by reason only of the contravention.

(2) Where a complaint has been presented to the Tribunal under Article 38, the complainant or respondent may apply to the High Court to revise the contract or any of its terms.

(3) Where proceedings under Article 40 have been brought in the county court, the claimant or respondent may apply to the county court to revise the contract or any of its terms.

(4) On an application under paragraph (2) or (3) the High Court or, as the case may be, the county court, may make such order as it considers just in all the circumstances revising the contract or any of its terms so as to secure that, as from the date of the order, the contract in no way contravenes, or has any effect in consequence of a contravention of, any provision of Part III or IV.

(5) Where the High Court or the county court makes an order under paragraph (4), every party to the contract, whether or not a party in the action, shall be bound by the order; but the High Court or, as the case may be, the county court, shall not make such an order which affects a party to the contract who is not a party in the action without giving him an opportunity of being heard.