The Health Services (Primary Care) (Northern Ireland) Order 1997

7.—(1) Regulations must provide—N.I.

(a)for inquiries under this Schedule to be held in accordance with such procedure as may be prescribed by or determined under the regulations;

(b)for conferring on the Tribunal such powers as the Department considers necessary; and

(c)for the publication of decisions of the Tribunal under the regulations and of the imposition and removal of any disqualifications imposed under paragraph 6.

(2) The regulations must, in particular—

(a)provide for any person who is the subject of an inquiry to have an opportunity—

(i)of appearing, either in person or by counsel or solicitor or such other representative as may be prescribed, before the Tribunal; and

(ii)of being heard by the Tribunal and of calling witnesses and producing other evidence on his behalf; and

(b)provide for the hearing to be in public if the person who is the subject of the inquiry so requests.