
Application to the Lands Tribunal

Carrying out of order for new tenancy

20.—(1) Where the Lands Tribunal makes an order for the grant of a new tenancy, then, unless the order is revoked under paragraph (2) or the landlord and tenant agree not to act upon the order, the landlord shall be bound to execute in favour of the tenant, and the tenant shall be bound to accept, a contract of tenancy of the holding embodying the terms agreed between the landlord and the tenant or determined by the Lands Tribunal in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this Order, and where the landlord executes such a contract the tenant shall be bound, if so required by the landlord, to execute a counterpart or duplicate thereof.

(2) If the tenant, within 14 days after the making of an order for the grant of a new tenancy, applies to the Lands Tribunal for the revocation of the order, the Lands Tribunal shall revoke the order; and where the order is so revoked, then, if it is so agreed between the landlord and the tenant or determined by the Lands Tribunal, the current tenancy shall continue beyond the date at which, but for this paragraph, it would have come to an end, for such period as may be so agreed or determined to be necessary to afford to the landlord a reasonable opportunity for reletting or otherwise disposing of the premises which would have been comprised in the new tenancy; and while the current tenancy continues by virtue of this paragraph it shall not be a tenancy to which this Order (other than this paragraph, paragraph (3) and Article 21) applies.

(3) Where an order is revoked under paragraph (2), any provision thereof as to payment of costs shall not cease to have effect by reason only of the revocation; but the Lands Tribunal may, if it thinks fit, revoke or vary any such provision or, where no costs have been awarded in the proceedings for the revoked order, award such costs.

(4) A contract of tenancy made under this Article, where the estate of the landlord is subject to a mortgage, shall be deemed to be one authorised by section 18 of the [1881 c. 41.] Conveyancing Act 1881 (which confers certain powers of leasing on mortgagors in possession), and subsection (13) of that section (which allows those powers to be restricted or excluded by agreement) shall not have effect in relation to such a contract.

(5) In paragraph (4) the reference to section 18 of the Conveyancing Act 1881 shall be construed as a reference to that section as modified by subsection (10) of section 3 of the [1911 c. 37.] Conveyancing Act 1911 and, so far as it relates to the powers of leasing, by subsection (11) of the said section 3.

(6) Where a landlord or tenant refuses, neglects or fails within a reasonable time to execute or accept any document which he is bound under the provisions of this Article to execute or accept, the Lands Tribunal may, on the application in accordance with Lands Tribunal Rules of any interested party, nominate some proper person to execute or accept or join in executing or accepting the document on behalf of the person in default, and the person so nominated may recover summarily as a civil debt due to him by the person in default any costs incurred by him in executing or accepting that document.