

Questions immaterial to jurisdiction in the case of certain offences

40.—(1) A person may be guilty of a Group A or Group B offence whether or not—

(a)he was a British citizen at any material time;

(b)he was in Northern Ireland at any such time.

(2) On a charge of attempting to commit a Group A offence, the defendant may be guilty of the offence whether or not—

(a)the attempt was made in Northern Ireland;

(b)it had an effect in Northern Ireland.

(3) On a charge of conspiracy to commit a Group A offence, or on a charge of conspiracy to defraud in Northern Ireland, the defendant may be guilty of the offence whether or not—

(a)he became a party to the conspiracy in Northern Ireland;

(b)any act or omission or other event in relation to the conspiracy occurred in Northern Ireland.

(4) Paragraph (1)(a) does not apply where jurisdiction is given to try the offence in question by a statutory provision which makes provision by reference to the nationality of the person charged.

(5) Paragraph (2) does not apply in relation to any charge under the [1983 NI 13.] Criminal Attempts and Conspiracy (Northern Ireland) Order 1983 brought by virtue of Article 3A of that Order.

(6) Paragraph (3) does not apply in relation to any charge under that Order brought by virtue of Article 9A of that Order.