

Vessels, aircraft and trains

Licences for non-seagoing vessels

80.—(1) A licence may be granted in respect of a vessel other than a seagoing vessel as if it were premises situated at the place from which it plies and notwithstanding that it is not premises of a kind mentioned in Article 5(1).

(2) When a court grants a licence under paragraph (1) it may attach to the licence such conditions as it thinks fit.

(3) Without prejudice to Article 15(2), a court shall not renew a licence granted under paragraph (1) unless it is satisfied that the conditions of the licence have been observed.

(4) The conditions of a licence granted under paragraph (1) may be varied by a court which renews or transfers the licence.

(5) If any condition of a licence granted under paragraph (1) is not observed, the holder of the licence and the master of the vessel shall each be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale..

(6) Without prejudice to paragraphs (1) to (5), Article 3(4) and Article 67(10), this Order shall apply in relation to a vessel for which a licence is in force as if the vessel were premises.

(7) In the provisions of this Order relating to offences by the holders of licences, any reference to the holder of a licence for a vessel shall include a reference to the master of the vessel and any reference to a servant or agent of the holder shall, in relation to the master, include a reference to any person employed in the vessel.

Application of Order to certain seagoing vessels and to aircraft and railway passenger vehicles

81.—(1) This Order shall not prohibit the sale without a licence of intoxicating liquor to passengers in a seagoing vessel, an aircraft or a railway passenger vehicle for consumption on board the vessel, aircraft or vehicle, if the following conditions are observed.

(2) The conditions mentioned in paragraph (1) are—

(a)that the vessel, aircraft or vehicle is of a kind employed for the carriage of passengers;

(b)in ,the case of a vessel, that the vessel is one which plies between a place in Northern Ireland and a place in a country other than Northern Ireland and that the liquor is sold only—

(i)during the period commencing I and a half hours before the time fixed for departure and ending at the time of departure; and

(ii)while the vessel is being navigated;

(c)in the case of an aircraft, that the liquor is sold only while the aircraft is in flight;

(d)in the case of a railway passenger vehicle, that the vehicle is one in which passengers can be supplied with food and the liquor is served in the course of a railway journey on which fare paying passengers are carried by a railway undertaking.