The Employment Rights (Northern Ireland) Order 1996

Claims for redundancy payment

199.—(1) An employee does not have any right to a redundancy payment unless, before the end of the period of six months beginning with the relevant date—

(a)the payment has been agreed and paid,

(b)the employee has made a claim for the payment by notice in writing given to the employer,

(c)a question as to the employee’s right to, or the amount of, the payment has been referred to an industrial tribunal, or

(d)a complaint relating to his dismissal has been presented by the employee under Article 145.

(2) An employee is not deprived of his right to a redundancy payment by paragraph (1) if, during the period of six months immediately following the period mentioned in that paragraph, the employee—

(a)makes a claim for the payment by notice in writing given to the employer,

(b)refers to an industrial tribunal a question as to his right to, or the amount of, the payment, or

(c)presents a complaint relating to his dismissal under Article 145,

and it appears to the tribunal to be just and equitable that the employee should receive a redundancy payment.

(3) In determining under paragraph (2) whether it is just and equitable that an employee should receive a redundancy payment an industrial tribunal shall have regard to—

(a)the reason shown by the employee for his failure to take any such step as is referred to in paragraph (2) within the period mentioned in paragraph (1), and

(b)all the other relevant circumstances.