The Juries (Northern Ireland) Order 1996

Summoning of jurorsN.I.

Summoning of jurorsN.I.

8.—(1) Jurors whose names are included in a panel shall be summoned by the Juries Officer to attend at such court or place, on such occasions and at such times as are specified in the jury summons.

(2) Every jury summons shall be served at least ten days before the day on which the juror is required to attend and shall be accompanied by a notice stating the effect of Articles 3, 10 and 26 and Schedules 1, 2 and 3.

(3) If it appears to the Juries Officer, at any time before the first day on which a juror is required by a jury summons to attend, that his attendance is unnecessary, or can be dispensed with on any particular day or days, the Juries Officer may withdraw or alter the jury summons by notice.

Procedure for ascertaining attendance of jurorsN.I.

9.—(1) For the purpose of aiding the Juries Officer in ascertaining the persons who when summoned to attend as jurors have not so attended, at the commencement of the sitting of a court to which persons are summoned as jurors or as soon thereafter as is convenient an officer of the court shall, whether or not there is any business requiring the empanelling of a jury, call over the panel prepared by the Juries Officer and mark on it the names of all jurors who attended and answered when called.

(2) Immediately after the termination of the sitting the officer shall return a copy of the panel marked in accordance with paragraph (1) to the Juries Officer who shall thereupon mark on the Jurors List the names of the jurors who attended in obedience to the jury summons.

Excusing of jurorsN.I.

10.—(1) The judge of any court may, if he thinks fit, divide into two or more sections any panel of jurors returned to that court, and may excuse from attendance on any specified days during the sitting of the court all of the jurors whose names appear in any one or more of the sections.

(2) Where a person summoned to serve as a juror applies to be excused from such service during the entire sitting or in respect of a particular period or trial, the judge of any court—

(a)if satisfied that the person is among the persons described in Schedule 3, shall, or

(b)if satisfied that there is good reason to do so, may,

excuse that person from service during that sitting or in respect of such period or trial as the judge thinks fit.

(3) Where a person summoned to serve as a juror applies for his service as a juror to be deferred, the judge may defer his service as a juror and the jury summons shall have effect subject to such amendments as the judge may direct.

(4) If an application under paragraph (3) has been granted or refused the power conferred by that paragraph shall not be exercised subsequently in relation to the same jury summons.

(5) The powers exercisable by the judge of any court under paragraphs (1) to (3) may also be exercised before the sitting of the court by any person who would have jurisdiction to act as judge of that court.

(6) The judge by whom the powers conferred by paragraphs (1) to (5) are exercised may give such directions as he may deem proper for enabling those powers to be effectively exercised and it shall be the duty of all the persons concerned to comply with those directions.

(7) Rules of court and Crown Court rules may provide that the powers of a judge under this Article may be exercised by such officer of the court as may be specified in those rules.

Discharge of jury summonsN.I.

11.—(1) Where, on the calling over of the panel or otherwise, the judge of any court is satisfied that a person summoned as a juror is—

(a)disqualified or ineligible for jury service; or

(b)not qualified for jury service in the court specified in the jury summons,

the judge shall discharge the summons and cause the Juries Officer to be informed.

(2) Where it appears to an officer of the court that a person summoned as a juror is as described in sub-paragraph (a) or (b) of paragraph (1), the officer shall inform a judge.

(3) Rules of court and Crown Court rules may provide that the powers of a judge under paragraph (1) may be exercised by such officer of the court as may be specified in those rules.

(4) Where it appears to an officer of the court in the case of a person summoned as a juror that on account of physical disability there is doubt as to his capacity to act effectively as a juror, the person may be brought before a judge.

(5) The judge shall determine whether or not a person brought before him under paragraph (4) should act as a juror; but the judge shall affirm the jury summons unless he is of the opinion that the person will not, on account of his disability, be capable of acting effectively as a juror, in which case he shall discharge the summons.