Section 205 - Finding that the accused did the act or made the omission charged
Where the court determines that a person is unfit to be tried this section provides that the trial must not proceed any further. It must be determined by a jury on the evidence (if any) already given in the trial, and on such evidence as may be put forward by the prosecution, or by a person appointed by the court under this section to put the case for the defence, whether it is satisfied that the accused did the act or made the omission with which he or she was charged. If the jury is satisfied, it must make a finding that the accused did the act or made the omission charged against the accused. If the jury is not so satisfied, it must return a verdict of acquittal as if on the count in question the trial had proceeded to a conclusion.
The section also provides that where the question of fitness to be tried was determined after arraignment of the accused, the jury is to determine whether the accused did the act or made the omission with which he or she was charged.