Section 200 - Duties and powers to release from detention
This section imposes duties and grants powers to release an individual from detention under a hospital direction. The individual is to be treated as if they were detained in custody for the purposes of these duties and powers. If the individual is required to be released on license, unconditionally, under the terms of the legislation which authorised their custodial sentence, referred to the Parole Commissioners, or subject to the duty of that body, or can apply to the Sentence Review Commissioners, or subject to any power or duty of that body or the Secretary of State under the Northern Ireland (Sentences) Act 1998, then these requirements or duties apply as if the person were not subject to a hospital direction.
If the individual is subject to Articles 39 or 44A of the Criminal Justice (Children) (Northern Ireland) Order 1998, their release date is the day on which the period of supervision under that order begins.
An individual absent without leave from a hospital direction and liable to be taken into custody under this Part, shall be treated as unlawfully at large and absent from prison.