Section 21 - Appeal against Department’s decision in review under section 20
Reservoir managers have a right of appeal against the decision in a review of a reservoir designation given by the Department. The appeal must be made to the Water Appeals Commission within 60 days of the date on which the notice specifying the decision in a review was served.
Subsection (3) specifies the grounds for appeal and subsection (4) provides that the Commission may confirm the reservoir designation or give the reservoir a different designation. Subsection (5) details the matters and the representations the Commission must take into account when considering an appeal.
Subsection (6) makes it explicit that the reservoir designation continues to apply until the appeal is decided and subsection (7) provides that, if an appeal results in the designation being changed, then the previous designation ceases to apply from the date of the appeal decision and the new reservoir designation takes effect on the day after the date of the notice of the Commission’s decision.