Health and Social Care (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 2014 Explanatory Notes

Hansard Reports

10.The following table sets out the dates of the Hansard reports for each stage of the Act’s passage through the Northern Ireland Assembly.

Introduction of the Act to the Committee for Health, Social Services and Public Safety15 May 2013
Briefing session on the Act with the committee for Health, Social Services and Public Safety12 June 2013
Introduction to the Assembly16 september 2013
Second Stage debate24 september 2013
Committee Stage - Departmental briefing on the provisions of the Act16 October 2013
Committee Stage – agreement of sections and schedule27 November 2013
Committee’s Report on the Act – Report Number NIA 146/11-154 December 2013
Consideration Stage in the Assembly20 January 2014
Further Consideration Stage28 January 2014
Final Stage11 February 2014
Royal Assent11April 2014

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