Temporary stop notices

Temporary stop notice

135.—(1) This section applies if a council thinks—

(a)that there has been a breach of planning control in relation to any land in its district; and

(b)that it is expedient that the activity (or any part of the activity) which amounts to the breach is stopped immediately.

(2) The council may issue a temporary stop notice.

(3) The notice must be in writing and must—

(a)specify the activity which the council thinks amounts to the breach;

(b)prohibit the carrying on of the activity (or of so much of the activity as is specified in the notice);

(c)set out the council’s reasons for issuing the notice.

(4) A temporary stop notice may be served on any of the following—

(a)a person who the council thinks is carrying on the activity;

(b)a person who the council thinks is an occupier of the land;

(c)a person who the council thinks has an estate in the land.

(5) The council must display on the land—

(a)a copy of the notice;

(b)a statement of the effect of the notice and of section 137.

(6) A temporary stop notice has effect from the time a copy of it is first displayed in pursuance of subsection (5).

(7) A temporary stop notice ceases to have effect—

(a)at the end of the period of 28 days starting on the day the copy notice is so displayed;

(b)at the end of such shorter period starting on that day as is specified in the notice; or

(c)if it is withdrawn by the council.

Temporary stop notice: restrictions

136.—(1) A temporary stop notice does not prohibit—

(a)any person from continuing to use any building, caravan or other structure situated on land to which the temporary stop notice relates as that person’s permanent residence whether as owner, occupier, tenant, patient, guest or otherwise;

(b)the carrying out of an activity of such description or in such circumstances as is prescribed.

(2) A temporary stop notice does not prohibit the carrying out of any activity which has been carried out (whether continuously or not) for a period of 5 years ending with the day on which the copy of the notice is first displayed as mentioned in section 135(5).

(3) Subsection (2) does not prevent a temporary stop notice prohibiting—

(a)activity consisting of or incidental to building, engineering, mining or other operations; or

(b)the deposit of refuse or waste materials.

(4) For the purposes of subsection (2) any period during which the activity is authorised by planning permission shall be ignored.

(5) A second or subsequent temporary stop notice must not be issued in respect of the same activity unless the council has first taken some other enforcement action in relation to the breach of planning control which is constituted by the activity.

(6) In subsection (5) enforcement action includes obtaining the grant of an injunction under section 156.

Temporary stop notice: offences

137.—(1) A person commits an offence if that person contravenes a temporary stop notice—

(a)which has been served on that person; or

(b)a copy of which has been displayed in accordance with section 135(5).

(2) Contravention of a temporary stop notice includes causing or permitting the contravention of the notice.

(3) An offence under this section may be charged by reference to a day or a longer period of time.

(4) A person may be convicted of more than one such offence in relation to the same temporary stop notice by reference to different days or periods of time.

(5) A person does not commit an offence under this section if that person proves—

(a)that the temporary stop notice was not served on him or her; and

(b)that that person did not know, and could not reasonably have been expected to know, of its existence.

(6) A person convicted of an offence under this section is liable—

(a)on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding £100,000;

(b)on conviction on indictment, to a fine.

(7) In determining the amount of the fine the court must have regard in particular to any financial benefit which has accrued or has appeared to accrue to the person convicted in consequence of the offence.