Explanatory Memorandum

Forestry Act (Northern Ireland) 2010

2010 CHAPTER 10

28 June 2010

Hansard Reports

10.The following table sets out the dates of the Hansard reports for each stage of the Act’s passage through the Assembly.

Introduction of the Act to the Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development28 April 2009
Introduction to the Assembly29 June 2009
Second Stage debate15 September 2009
Committee Stage - evidence from Departmental officials22 September 2009
Committee Stage - evidence from Woodland Trust and Royal Society for the Protection of Birds3 November 2009
Committee Stage - evidence from Ulster Wildlife Trust24 November 2009
Committee Stage - evidence from Farm Woodlands Ltd1 December 2009
Committee Stage - evidence from Council for Nature, Conservation and the Countryside1 December 2009
Committee Stage - evidence from Sport NI, Premier Woodlands Ltd and British Association for Shooting and Conservation8 December 2009
Committee Stage - evidence from Northern Ireland Environment Link, Confederation of Forest Industries, Ulster Farmers’ Union and Countryside Access and Activities Network21 January 2010
Committee Stage - evidence from Departmental officials26 January 2010
Committee Stage - evidence from Departmental officials1 February 2010
Committee Stage - evidence from British Association for Shooting and Conservation, Confederation of Forest Industries, Countryside Access and Activities Network, Northern Ireland Environment Link, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Woodland Trust and Departmental officials8 February 2010
Committee Stage - evidence from Departmental officials15 February 2010
Committee Stage - consideration of sections 1 to 4, 6 to 40, Schedules 1 and 2 (section 5 referred for further consideration)22 February 2010
Committee Stage - consideration of section 523 February 2010
Committee’s report on the Act - Report number 29/09/10R1 March 2010
Consideration Stage in the Assembly27 April 2010
Further Consideration Stage17 May 2010
Final Stage25 May 2010
Royal Assent28 June 2010