
The Northern Ireland Library Authority

Duty of Authority to provide library service

2.—(1) It shall be the duty of the Authority to provide a comprehensive and efficient public library service for persons living, working or studying in Northern Ireland.

(2) In carrying out its duty under subsection (1), the Authority shall—

(a)secure that facilities are available for the borrowing of, or reference to, library materials sufficient in number, range and quality to meet the general requirements of adults and children (whether by keeping adequate stocks, by arrangements with other bodies concerned with library services or by any other appropriate means);

(b)have regard to the desirability of—

(i)encouraging both adults and children to make full use of the library service;

(ii)providing advice as to the use of the library service and making available such bibliographical and other information as may be required by persons using the service;

(iii)promoting literacy and lifelong learning;

(iv)maintaining a collection of library materials relevant to the cultural heritage of Northern Ireland;

(v)making library premises available for cultural and community activities; and

(vi)meeting any special requirements of adults and children by any appropriate means.

(3) The Authority may make such arrangements with other bodies whether inside or outside Northern Ireland which it considers necessary in order to enable it to carry out its duty under subsection (1) more effectively.

(4) The Authority may provide such library services to persons visiting Northern Ireland as it considers appropriate.