Game Preservation (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 2002 Explanatory Notes

Section 1:Close seasons

This section provides for-

An amendment to section 7(1) of the 1928 Act, paragraph (c) of which specifies the close season for any game bird other than grouse. Subsection (2) inserts a new paragraph (bb) which introduces a separate close season for all types of partridges and snipe to run from 1 February to 31 August each year. It is during the close season period that it is an offence to wilfully take, kill or destroy such birds;

  • the close season for snipe (which was already extended by an earlier statutory rule (SRO 1954/129)) being restated in the 1928 Act for clarity;

  • an insertion in section 7D(4) of the 1928 Act of the requirement that the Department must first ensure, prior to issuing a permit to net hares, that the taking of such hares for coursing would not endanger the hare population in Northern Ireland or any part of Northern Ireland;

  • the Minister to make future amendments to the close season for all types of game by order and

  • a consequential amendment to section 7F(2) of the 1928 Act removing any time limitation in relation to such orders.

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