Section 56 - Sanction
126.This section inserts a new section 50G into the 1996 Act.
127.Subsection (1) of new section 50G places limitations on the further steps that may be taken by the Welsh Ministers where the enforcement notice has been served on a person (other than the RSL) under section 50C(11) of the 1996 Act. In these circumstances, the Welsh Ministers may only issue a penalty notice (as set out in sections 50H to 50M of the 1996 Act), or take steps to instigate a prosecution in relation to the offence which provided grounds for service of the enforcement notice. Subsection (2) provides that a person who has been served with an enforcement notice under Case 8 of section 50C of the 1996 Act may be prosecuted for the offence which gave grounds for that enforcement notice only if they have failed to comply with that notice.