- Latest available (Revised)
- Original (As adopted by EU)
When the UK left the EU, legislation.gov.uk published EU legislation that had been published by the EU up to IP completion day (31 December 2020 11.00 p.m.). On legislation.gov.uk, these items of legislation are kept up-to-date with any amendments made by the UK since then.
Legislation.gov.uk publishes the UK version. EUR-Lex publishes the EU version. The EU Exit Web Archive holds a snapshot of EUR-Lex’s version from IP completion day (31 December 2020 11.00 p.m.).
This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).
When the acts referred to in this Annex contain notions or refer to procedures which are specific to the Community legal order, such as
the addressees of the Community acts;
references to territories or languages of the EC;
references to rights and obligations of EC Member States, their public entities, undertakings or individuals in relation to each other; and
references to information and notification procedures;
Protocol 1 on horizontal adaptations shall apply, unless otherwise provided for in this Annex.
Until such time as they apply free movement of labour in accordance with Article 28 of the Agreement, the Contracting Parties shall ensure;
effective free access for key employees of contractors of any Contracting Parties who have obtained public works contracts;
non-discriminatory access to work-permits for contractors from any Contracting Parties who have obtained public works contracts.
the publication of notices and other documents as required by the acts referred to in this Annex in the Official Journal of the European Communities and in the Tenders Electronic Daily shall be carried out by the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities;
notices from the EFTA States shall be sent in at least one of the Community languages to the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. They shall be published in the Community languages in the S-series of the Official Journal of the European Communities and in the Tenders Electronic Daily. EC notices need not be translated into the languages of the EFTA States.
The provisions of the Directive shall, for the purposes of the present Agreement, be read with the following adaptations:
the list of professional trade activities shall be replaced by Annex II of Directive 89/440/EEC;
with regard to Liechtenstein, the measures necessary to comply with this Directive shall enter into force by 1 January 1995;
with regard to Switzerland, the measures necessary to comply with this Directive shall enter into force by 1 January 1994;
during these transition periods the application of the Directive will be reciprocally suspended between these States and the other Contracting Parties.
389 L 0440: Council Directive 89/440/EEC of 18 July 1989 (OJ No L 210, 21.7.1989, p. 1),
390 D 0380: Commission Decision 90/380/EEC of 13 July 1990 concerning the updating of Annex I to Council Directive 89/440/EEC (OJ No L 187, 19.7.1990, p. 55).
The provisions of the Directive shall, for the purposes of the present Agreement, be read with the following adaptations:
with regard to Liechtenstein, the measures necessary to comply with this Directive shall enter into force by 1 January 1995;
with regard to Switzerland, the measures necessary to comply with this Directive shall enter into force by 1 January 1994;
during these transistion periods, the application of the Directive will be reciprocally suspended between these States and the other Contracting Parties;
in Article 4(a), the phrase ‘in conformity with the EEC Treaty’ shall read ‘in conformity with the EEA Agreement’;
in Article 4(a)(l) and 4(a)(3), in so far as it is not introduced in Finland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland, VAT shall mean:
‘liikevaihtovero/ omsättningsskatt’ in Finland;
‘Warenumsatzsteuer’ in Liechtenstein;
‘Warenumsatzsteuer/ impot sur le chiffre d'affaires/imposta sulla cifra d'affari’ in Switzerland;
in Article 4(a)(2), the value of the thresholds in national currencies of the EFTA States shall be calculated so as to come into effect on 1 January 1993 and shall in principle be revised every two years with effect from 1 January 1995 and published in the Official Journal of the European Communities;
Article 24 shall be supplemented as follows:
‘in Austria, the Firmenbuch, the Gewerberegister, the Mitgliederverzeichnisse der Landes-kammern;
in Finland, the Kaupparekisteri, Handelsregistret;
in Iceland, the Firmaskrà;
in Liechtenstein, the Gewerberegister;
in Norway, the Foretaksregisteret;
in Sweden, the Aktiebolagsregistret, Handelsregistret;
in Switzerland, the Handelsregister, the Registre du Commerce, Registro di Commercio.’;
in Article 30(a)(1), the date of 31 October 1993 shall be replaced by 31 October 1995;
Annex I is supplemented by Appendix 1 to this Annex.
380 L 0767: Council Directive 80/767/EEC of 22 July 1980 adapting and supplementing in respect of certain contracting authorities Directive 77/62/EEC coordinating procedures for the award of public supply contracts (OJ No L 215, 18.8.1980, p. 1), as amended by Directive 88/295/EEC,
388 L 0295: Council Directive 88/295/EEC of 22 March 1988 amending Directive 77/62/EEC relating to the coordination of procedures on the award of public supply contracts and repealing certain provisions of Directive 80/767/EEC (OJ No L 127, 20.5.1988, p. 1),
The provisions of the Directive shall, for the purposes of the present Agreement, be read with the following adaptations:
with regard to Liechtenstein, the measures necessary to comply with this Directive shall enter into force by 1 January 1995;
with regard to Switzerland, the measures necessary to comply with this Directive shall enter into force by 1 January 1994;
during these transistion periods, the application of the Directive will be reciprocally suspended between these States and the other Contracting Parties;
in Article 2(a), the reference to ‘Article 223(l)(b) of the Treaty’ shall be replaced by reference to ‘Article 123 of the EEA Agreement’;
In Article 5(l)(a), in so far as it is not introduced in Finland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland, VAT shall mean:
‘Liikevaihtovero/ omsättningsskatt’ in Finland,
‘Warenumsatzsteuer’ in Liechtenstein,
‘Warenumsatzsteuer/ impôt sur le chiffre d'affaires/imposta sulla cifra d'affari’ in Switzerland;
on the understanding that the threshold expressed in ECU shall only apply within the EEA, the following words shall be deleted in Article 5(1)(c):
in the first sentence, the words ‘and the threshold of the GATT Agreement expressed in ECU’;
in the second sentence, the words ‘and of the ECU expressed in SDRs’;
in Article 5(l)(c), the value of the thresholds in the national currencies of the EFTA States shall be calculated so as to come into effect on 1 January 1993;
in Article 9(1), the date of 1 January 1989 shall be replaced by 1 January 1993;
in Article 20(4) the sentence ‘within the time limit laid down in Article 30’ shall read ‘before 1 January 1993’;
Article 21 shall be supplemented as follows:
in Austria, the Firmenbuch, the Gewerberegister, the der Landeskamern,
in Finland, the Kaupparekisteri, the Handelsregistret,
in Iceland, the Firmaskrà,
in Liechtenstein, the Gewerberegister,
in Norway, the Foretaksregisteret,
in Sweden, the Aktiebolagsregistret, the Handelsregistret,
in Switzerland, the Handelsregister, the Registre du Commerce, the Registro di Commercio;
in Article 29(l)(b), the date of 31 October 1991 shall be replaced by 31 October 1994;
Annex I to Directive 80/767/EEC shall be supplemented by Appendix 2 to this Annex;
Annex I to Directive 88/295/EEC shall be supplemented by Appendix 3 to this Annex.
The provisions of the Directive shall, for the purposes of the present Agreement, be read with the following adaptations:
with regard to Liechtenstein, the measures necessary to comply with this Directive shall enter into force by 1 January 1995,
with regard to Switzerland, the measures necessary to comply with this Directive shall enter into force by 1 January 1994;
during these transition periods the application of the Directive will be reciprocally suspended between these States and the other Contracting Parties;
with regard to Norway, the measures necessary to comply with this Directive shall enter into force on 1 January 1995 or before upon notification by Norway of having complied with this Directive. During this transition period the application of the Directive will be reciprocally suspended between Norway and the other Contracting Parties;
in Article 3(1 )(e) the reference to ‘Article 36 of the Treaty’ shall be read as a reference to ‘Article 13 of the EEA Agreement’;
in Article 11, point 1, the phrase ‘in conformity with the Treaty’ shall read ‘in conformity with the EEA Agreement’;
in Article 12(1) and 12(6), in so far as it is not introduced in Finland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland VAT shall mean:
‘Liikevaihtovero/omsättningsskatt’ in Finland,
‘Warenumsatzsteuer’ in Liechtenstein,
‘Warenumsatzsteuer/impôt sur le chiffre d'affaires/imposta sulla cifra d'affari’ in Switzerland;
in Article 27(5) the reference to ‘Article 93(3) of the Treaty’ shall be replaced by a reference to ‘Article 62 of the EEA Agreement’;
in Article 29, the term ‘third countries’ shall be understood as ‘countries other than the Contracting Parties to the EEA Agreement’;
in Article 29(1) the term ‘Community’ shall read ‘Community, as regards Community entities, or the EFTA States, as regards their entities’;
in Article 29(1) the term ‘Community undertakings’ shall read ‘Community undertakings, as regards Community agreements, or EFTA States' undertakings, as regards EFTA States' agreements’;
in Article 29(1) the words ‘the Community or its Member States in respect of third countries’ shall read ‘either the Community or its Member States in respect of third countries or the EFTA States in respect of third countries’;
in Article 29(5), the words ‘by a Council decision’ shall read by a ‘decision in the context of the general decision-making procedure of the EEA Agreement’;
Article 29(6) shall read as follows:
In the context of the general decision-making procedure of the EEA Agreement the provisions of this Article may be amended in the light of such developments.’;
in order to enable the contracting entities in the EEA to apply Article 29(2) and (3), the Contracting Parties shall ensure that the suppliers established in their respective territories determine the origin of the products in their tenders for supply contracts in conformity with Regulation (EEC) No 802/68 of the Council of 17 June 1968 on the common definition of the concept of the origin of goods (OJ No L 148, 28.6.1968, p. 1);
in order to obtain maximum convergence Article 29 will be applied in the EEA context on the understanding that:
the operation of paragraph (3) is without prejudice to the existing degree of liberalization towards third countries,
the Contracting Parties consult closely in their negotiations with third countries. The application of this regime will be jointly reviewed during 1996;
in Article 30, the values of the thresholds in national currencies of the EFTA States shall be calculated so as to come into effect on 1 January 1993. They shall in principle be revised every two years with effect from 1 January 1995;
Annexes I to X are supplemented by Appendices 4 to 13 to this Annex, respectively.
The provisions of the Directive shall, for the purposes of the present Agreement, be read with the following adaptations:
with regard to Liechtenstein, the measures necessary to comply with this Directive shall enter into force by 1 January 1995;
with regard to Switzerland, the measures necessary to comply with this Directive shall enter into force by 1 January 1994;
during these transition periods the application of the Directive will be reciprocally suspended between these States and the other Contracting Parties;
in Article 2(8), the reference to ‘Article 177 of the EEC Treaty’ shall be read as by a reference to the ‘criteria laid down by the Court of Justice in its interpretation of Article 177 of the EEC Treaty’.(1)
The provisions of the Regulation shall, for the purposes of the present Agreement, be read with the following adaptations:
with regard to Liechtenstein, the measures necessary to comply with this Regulation shall enter into force by 1 January 1995;
with regard to Switzerland, the measures necessary to comply with this Regulation shall enter into force by 1 January 1994;
during these transition periods the application of the Regulation will be reciprocally suspended between these States and the other Contracting Parties;
the words ‘Council and Commission acts’ shall mean acts referred to in this Annex.
In the application of the provisions of this Annex, the Contracting Parties shall take note of the contents of the following acts:
all bodies subject to budgetary supervision by the ‘Rechnungshof’ (audit authority) not having an industrial or commercial character,
public or publicly controlled entities or undertakings not having an industrial or commercial character,
Fjármálaráðuneytið (Ministry of Finance),
Innkaupastofnun ríkisins (Government Purchasing Department) pursuant to lög nr. 63 1970 urn skipan opinberra framkvæmda,
Lyfjaverslun ríkisins (The State Pharmaceuticals Import Company),
Samgönguráðuneytið (Ministry of Communications),
Póst- og símamálastofnunin (The Post and Telecommunication Administration),
Vegagerð ríkisins (Public Road Administration),
Flugmálastjórn (Directorate of Civil Aviation),
Menntamálaráðuneytið (Ministry of Culture and Education),
Háskóli islands (University of Iceland),
Utanríkisráðuneytið (Ministry of Foreign Affairs),
Félagsmálaráðuneytið (Ministry of Social Affairs),
Heilbrigðis- og tryggingamálaráðuneytið (Ministry of Health and Social Security),
Ríkisspítalar (National Hospitals),
Sveitarfélög (Municipalities),
City of Reykjavík,
Innkaupastofnun Reykjavíkurborgar (Reykjavik Purchasing Centre).
die öffentlich-rechtlichen Verwaltungseinrichtungen auf Landes- und Gemeindeebene. (Authorities, establishments and foundations governed by public law and established at national and municipal level.)
offentlige eller offentlig kontrollerte organer eller virksomheter som ikke har en industriell eller kommersiell karakter. (Public or publicly controlled entities or undertakings not having an industrial or commercial character.)
Norsk Rikskringkasting (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation),
Norges Bank (Central Bank),
Statens Lånekasse for Utdanning (State Educational Loan Fund),
Statistisk Sentralbyrå (Central Bureau of Statistics),
Den Norske Stats Husbank (Norwegian State Housing Bank),
Statens Innvandrar- og Flyktningeboliger,
Medisinsk Innovasjon Rikshospitalet,
Norsk Teknisk Naturvitenskapelig Forskningsråd (Royal Norwegian Council for Scientific and Industrial Research),
Statens Pensjonskasse (Norwegian Public Pension Fund).
Statsbedrifter i h.h.t lov om statsbedrifter av 25. juni 1965 nr. 3 (State enterprises),
Statsbanker (State banks),
Universiteter of høyskoler etter lov av 16. juni 1989 nr. 77 (Universities),
alla icke-kommersiella organ vars upphandling står under tillsyn av riksrevisionsverket. (All non-commercial bodies whose procurement is subject to supervision by the National Audit Bureau.)
die öffentlich-rechtlichen Verwaltungseinrichtungen auf Landes-, kantonaler, Bezirks- und Gemeindeebene. (Authorities, establishments and foundations governed by public law and established at federal, cantonal, district and municipal level.)
Abteilung VI/5 (EDV-Bereich des Bundesministeriums für Finanzen und des Bundesrechenamtes)
Abteilung III/1 (Beschaffung von technischen Geräten, Einrichtungen und Sachgütern für die Zollwache)
(Federal Ministry of Finance
Procurement Office
Division VI/5 (EDP procurement of the Federal Ministry of Finance and of the Federal Office of Account)
Division III/l (procurement of technical appliances, equipment and goods for the customs guard))
Abteilung I/5 (Amtswirtschaftsstelle)
EDV-Zentrale (Beschaffung von EDV-Hardware)
Abteilung II/3 (Beschaffung von technischen Geräten und Einrichtungen für die Bundespolizei)
Abteilung I/6 (Beschaffung aller Sachgüter für die Bundespolizei, soweit sie nicht von der Abteilung II/3 beschafft werden)
Abteilung IV/8 (Beschaffung von Flugzeugen)
(Federal Ministry of the Interior
Division I/5 (Procurement Office)
EDP-Centre (procurement of electronical data-processing machines (hardware))
Division II/3 (procurement of technical appliances and equipment for the Federal Police)
Division I/6 (procurement of goods (other than those procured by division II/3) for the Federal Police)
Division IV/8 (procurement of aircraft))
(Federal Ministry of Defence (non-warlike materials contained in Annex I, Part II, Austria of the GATT Agreement on Government Procurement))
Central purchasing entities governed by the lög um opinber innkaup 18. mars 1987, and reglugerð 14. april 1988.
bremseutstyr til rullende materiell
reservedeler til skinnegående maskiner
person- og varebiler
(National Railways (for the procurement of)
concrete sleepers
brake details for rolling stocks
spare parts for railway track machines
cars and vans for railway services)
Office central fédéral des imprimés et du matériel
Ufficio centrale federale degli stampati e del materiale
(Central Federai Office for Printed Material and Supplies)
Bibliothèque centrale du Parlement et de l'administration fédérale
Biblioteca centrale del Parlamento e dell'amministrazione federale
(Central Library for the Parliament and the Federal Administration)
Office des constructions fédérales
Ufficio delle costruzioni federali
(Federal Construction Office)
Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Zurich
Politecnico federale di Zurigo
(Federal Polytechnic School, Zürich)
Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
Politecnico federale di Losanna
(Federal Polytechnic School, Lausanne)
Institut suisse de météorologie
Instituto svizzero di meteorologia
(Swiss Institute for Meteorology)
Institut fédéral pour l'aménagement, l'épuration et la protection des eaux
Instituto federale per l'approvvigionamento, la depurazione e la protezione delle acque
(Federal Institute for Water Management, Purification and Protection)
Institut fédéral de recherches sur la forêt, la neige et le paysage
Istituto federale di recerca per la foresta, la neve e il paesaggio
Federai Institute for research on the forest, the snow and the landscape
Office fédéral de la santé publique
Ufficio federale della sanità pubblica
(Federal Office for Public Health)
Bibliothèque nationale suisse
Biblioteca nazionale svizzera
(Swiss National Library)
Office fédéral de la protection civile
Ufficio federale della protezione civile
(Federal Office for Civil Protection)
Administration fédérale des douanes
Amministrazione federale delle dogane
(Federal Administration for Customs)
Régie fédérale des alcools
Regìa federale degli alcool
(Federal Alcohol Administration)
Office fédéral de métrologie
Ufficio federale di metrologia
(Federal Office for Metrology)
Institut Paul Scherrer
Istituto Paul Scherrer
(Institute Paul Scherrer)
Office fédéral de l'agriculture
Ufficio federale dell'agricoltura
(Federal Office for Agriculture)
Office fédéral de l'aviation civile
Ufficio federale dell'aviazione civile
(Federal Office for Civil Aviation)
Office fédéral de l'économie des eaux
Ufficio federale dell'economia delle acque
(Federal Office for Water Management)
Groupement de l'armement
Aggruppamento dell'armamento
(Group for Armament)
Entreprise des postes
Azienda delle poste
(Postal business of the PTT)
all bodies subject to budgetary supervision by the ‘Rechnungshof’ (audit authority) not having an industrial or commercial character.
public or publicly controlled entities or undertakings not having an industrial or commercial character.
Fjármálaráðuneytið (Ministry of Finance),
Innkaupastofnun ríkisins (Government Purchasing Department) pursuant to lög urn opinber innkaup 18. mars 1987 and Reglugerð 14. apríl 1988,
Lyfjaverslun ríkisins (The State Pharmaceuticals Import Company),
Samgönguráðuneytið (Ministry of Communications),
Póst- og símamálastofnunin (The Post and Telecommunication Administration),
Vegagerð ríkisins (Public Road Administration),
Flugmálastjórn (Directorate of Civil Aviation),
Menntamálaráðuneytið (Ministry of Culture and Education),
Háskóli islands (University of Iceland),
Utanríkisráðuneytið (Ministry of Foreign Affairs),
Félagsmálaráðuneytið (Ministry of Social Affairs),
Heilbrigðis- og tryggingamálaráðuneytið (Ministry of Health and Social Security),
Ríkisspítalar (National Hospitals),
Sveitarfélög (Municipalities),
City of Reykjavik,
Innkaupastofnun Reykjavíkurborgar (Reykjavik Purchasing Centre).
die öffentlieh-rechtlichen Verwaltungseinrichtungen auf Landes- und Gemeindeebene. (Authorities, establishments and foundations governed by public law and established at national and municipal level.)
offentlige eller offentlig kontrollerte organer eller virksomheter som ikke har en industriell eller kommersiell karakter. (Public or publicly controlled entities or undertakings not having an industrial or commercial character.)
Norsk Rikskringkasting (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation),
Norges Bank (Central Bank),
Statens Lånekasse for Utdanning (State Educational Loan Fund),
Statistisk Sentralbyrå (Central Bureau of Statistics),
Den Norske Stats Husbank (Norwegian State Housing Bank),
Statens Innvandrar- og Flyktningeboliger,
Medisinsk Innovasjon Rikshospitalet,
Norsk Teknisk Naturvitenskapelig Forskningsråd, (Royal Norwegian Council for Scientific and Industrial Research),
Statens Pensjonskasse (Norwegian Public Pension Fund).
Statsbedrifter i h.h.t. lov om statsbedrifter av 25. juni 1965 nr. 3 (State enterprises),
Statsbanker (State banks),
Universiteter og høyskoler etter lov av 16. juni 1989 nr. 77 (Universities).
alla icke-kommersiella organ vars upphandling står under tillsyn av riksrevisionsverket. (All non-commercial bodies whose procurement is subject to supervision by the National Audit Bureau.)
die öffentlich-rechtlichen Verwaltungseinrichtungen auf Landes-, kantonaler, Bezirks- und Gemeindeebene. (Authorities, establishments and foundations governed by public law and established at federal, cantonal, district and municipal level.)
Entities of local authorities (Gemeinden) and associations of local authorities (Gemeindeverbände) pursuant to the Wasserversorgungsgesetze of the nine Länder.
Entities producing, transporting or distributing drinking water pursuant to Article 1 of Laki yleisistä vesija viemärilaitoksista (982/77) of 23 December 1977.
Reykjavik Municipal Water Works and other Municipal Water Works pursuant to lög nr. 15 frá 1923,
Gruppenwasserversorgung Liechtensteiner Oberland. Wasserversorgung Liechtensteiner Unterland.
Entities producing or distributing water pursuant to Forskrift om Drikkevann og Vannforsyning (FOR 1951-09-28 9576 SO).
Local authorities and municipal companies which produce, transport or distribute drinking water pursuant to Lag (1970:244) om allmänna vatten- och avloppsanläggningar.
Territorial administrative bodies and enterprises producing, transporting and distributing water.
Such territorial administrative bodies and enterprises are operating under local or cantonal legislation or under individual agreements based thereupon.
Entities pursuant to the second Verstaatlichungsgesetz (BGBl. 81/47, as last amended by BGBl. 321/87) and the Elektrizitätswirtschaftsgesetz (BGBl. 260/75, as amended by BGBl. 131/79), including the Elektrizitätswirtschaftsgesetze of the nine Länder.
Entities producing, transporting or distributing electricity on the basis of a concession pursuant to Article 27 of Sähkölaki (319/79) of 16 March 1979.
The National Power Company pursuant to lög nr. árið 1965.
The State Electric Power Works pursuant to 9. kafli orkulaga nr. 58 árið 1967.
Reykjavik Municipal Electric Works.
Sudurnes Regional Heating pursuant to lög nr. 100 árið 1974.
Vestfjord Power Company pursuant to lög nr. 66 árið 1976.
Liechtensteinische Kraftwerke.
Entities producing, transporting or distributing electricity pursuant to lov om bygging og drift av elektriske anlegg (LOV 1969-06-19) Lov om erverv av vannfall, bergverk og annen fast eiendom m.v., Kap. I, jf.kap.V (LOV 1917-12-14 16, kap. I), or Vassdragsreguleringsloven (LOV 1917-12-14 17) or Energiloven (LOV 1990-06-29 50).
Entities which transport or distribute electricity on the basis of a concession pursuant to Lag (1902:71 s.1) innefattande vissa bestämmelser om elektriska anläggningar.
Territorial administrative bodies and enterprises for the transport and distribution of electricity operating on the basis of authorizations for expropriation pursuant to the Bundesgesetz vom 24. Juni 1902 betreffend die elektrischen Schwach- und Starkstromanlagen.
Territorial administrative bodies and enterprises producing electricity to be supplied to territorial administrative bodies and enterprises mentioned above pursuant to the Bundesgesetz vom 22. Dezember 1916 über die Nutzbarmachung der Wasserkräfte and the Bundesgesetz vom 23. Dezember 1959 über die friedliche Verwendung der Atomenergie und den Strahlenschutz.
contracting entities pursuant to the Energiewirtschaftsgesetz 1935.
contracting entities transporting or distributing heat licensed pursuant to the Austrian Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act (Gewerbeordnung), (BGBl. 50/74, as last amended by BGBl. 233/80).
Municipal energy boards (kunnalliset energialaitokset), or associations thereof, or other entities distributing gas or heat on the basis of a concession granted by the municipal authorities.
Sudurnes Regional Heating pursuant to lög nr. 100 árið 1974.
Reykjavik Municipal District Heating and other municipal district heating.
Liechtensteinische Gasversorgung.
Entities transporting or distributing heat pursuant to Lov om bygging og drift av fjernvarmeanlegg (LOV 1986-04-18 10) or Energiloven (LOV 1990-06-29 50).
Entities which transport or distribute gas or heat on the basis of a concession pursuant to Lag (1978:160) om vissa rörledningar.
Territorial administrative bodies and enterprises operating a pipeline pursuant to the Bundesgesetz vom 4. Oktober 1963 über Rohrleitungsanlagen zur Beförderung flüssiger oder gasförmiger Brenn- und Treibstoffe.
Entities pursuant to the Berggesetz 1975 (BGBl. 259/75, as last amended by BGBl. 355/90).
Entities operating on the basis of an exclusive right pursuant to Articles 1 and 2 of Laki oikeudesta luovuttaa valtion maaomaisuutta ja tuloatuottavia oikeuksia (687/78).
National Energy Authority pursuant to lög nr. 58 árið 1967.
Contracting entities covered by Petroleumsloven (LOV 1985-03-22 11) (Petroleum Act) and regulations pursuant to the Petroleum Act or by Lov om undersøkelse etter og utvinning av petroleum i grunnen under norsk landområde (LOV 1973-05-04 21).
Entities exploring or extracting oil or gas on the basis of a concession pursuant to Lag (1974:890) om vissa mineralfyndigheter or which have been granted an authorization pursuant to Lag (1966:314) om kontinentalsockeln.
Territorial administrative bodies and enterprises exploring for or extracting oil or gas pursuant to cantonal provisions on exploitation of the subsoil laid down in the the Verfassungen der Kantone or the Erdölkonkordat vom 24. September 1955 zwischen den Kantonen Zürich, Schwyz, Zug, Schaffhausen, Appenzell Innerrhoden, Appenzell Ausserhoden, St. Gallen, Argau und Thurgau or the Einführungsgesetzen zum Zivilgesetzbuch der Kantone or the Spezialgesetzgebungen der Kantone.
Entities pursuant to the Berggesetz 1975 (BGBl. 259/75, as last amended by BGBL 355/90).
National Energy Authority pursuant to lög nr. 58 árið 1967.
Entities exploring or extracting coal or other solid fuels on the basis of a concession pursuant to Lag (1974:890) om vissa mineralfyndigheter or Lag (1985:620) om vissa torvfyndigbeter or which have been granted an authorization pursuant to Lag (1966:314) om kontinentalsockeln.
Entities pursuant to the Eisenbahngesetz 1957 (BGBl. 60/57, amended last by BGBL 305/76).
Valtion rautatiet, Statsjärnvägarna (State Railways).
Norges Statsbaner (NSB) and entities operating pursuant to Lov inneholdende særskilte Bestemmelser angaaende Anlæg af Jernveie til almindelig Benyttelse (LOV 1848-08-12) or Lov inneholdende Bestemmelser angaaende Jernveie til almindelig Afbenyttelse (LOV 1854-09-07) or Lov om Tillæg til Jernveisloven af 12te August 1848 (LOV 1898-04-23).
Public entities operating railway services in accordance with Förordning (1988:1339) om statens spåranläggningar and Lag (1990:1157) om järnvägssäkerhet.
Regional and local public entities operating regional or local railway communications pursuant to Lag (1978:438) om huvudmannaskap for viss kollektiv persontrafik.
Private entities operating railway services pursuant to a permission under Förordning (1988:1339) om statens spåranläggningar where such permits correspond to Article 2(3) of the Directive.
Schweizerische Bundesbahnen (SBB)/Chemins de Fer fédéraux (CFF). All other enterprises pursuant to Article 1, paragraph 2, and Article 2, paragraph 1, of the Eisenbahngesetz vom 20. Dezember 1957.
Entities pursuant to the Eisenbahngesetz 1957 (BGBl. 60/57, amended last by BGBl. 305/76) and the Kraft-fahrliniengesetz 1952 (BGBl. 84/52, as amended by BGBl. 265/66).
Municipal traffic boards (kunnalliset liikennelaitokset) or entities providing bus services to the public on the basis of a concession granted by the municipal authorities.
The Reykjavik Municipal Bus Service.
Liechtensteinische Post-, Telefon- und Telegrafenbetriebe (PTT).
Norges Statsbaner (NSB) and land transport entities operating pursuant to Lov inneholdende særskilte Bestemmelser angaaende Anlag af Jernveie til almindelig Benyttelse (LOV 1848-08-12) or Lov inneholdende Bestemmelser angaaende Jernveie til almindelig Afbenyttelse (LOV 1854-09-07) or Lov om Tillæg til Jernveisloven af 12te August 1848 (LOV 1898-04-23) or Lov om samferdsel (LOV 1976-06-04 63) or Lov om anlæg av taugbaner og løipestrenger (LOV 1912-06-14 1).
Public entities operating urban railway or tramway services according to Lag (1978:438) om huvudmannaskap för viss kollektiv persontrafik and Lag (1990:1157) om järnvägssäkerhet.
Public or private entities operating a trolley bus or bus service in accordance with Lag (1978:438) îò huvudmannaskap fór viss kollektiv persontrafik and Lag (1988:263) om yrkestrafik.
Schweizerische Post-, Tele/on- und Telegrafenbetriebe (PTT).
Territorial administrative bodies and enterprises providing tramway services pursuant to Article 2, paragraph 1, of the Eisenbahngesetz vom 20. Dezember 1957.
Territorial administrative bodies and enterprises for the public transport providing services pursuant to Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Bundesgesetz vom 29. März 1950 über die Trolleybusunternehmungen.
Territorial administrative bodies and enterprises undertaking scheduled commercial passenger transport pursuant to Article 1, paragraph 1 lit. a, and Article 3, paragraph 1, of the Postverkehrsgesetz vom 2. Oktober 1924.
Entities as defined in Articles 63 to 80 of the Luftfahrtgesetz 1957 (BGBl. 253/57).
Airports managed by Ilmailulaitos pursuant to Ilmailulaki (595/64).
Directorate of Civil Aviation.
Entities providing airport facilities pursuant to Lov om luftfart (LOV 1960-12-16 1).
Publicly owned and operated airports in accordance with Lag (1957:297) om luftfart.
Privately owned and operated airports with an exploitation permit under the act, where this permit corresponds to the criteria of Article 2(3) of the Directive.
Aéroport de Bâle-Mulhouse set up pursuant to the Convention Franco-Suisse du 4 juillet 1949 relative à la construction et à l'exploitation de l'aéroport de Bâle-Mulhouse, à Blotzheim.
Airports operated by virtue of a licence pursuant to Article 37 of the Bundesgesetz vom 21. Dezember 1948 über die Luftfahrt.
Inland ports owned totally or partially by Länder and/or Gemeinden.
Ports owned or managed by municipal authorities pursuant to Laki kunnallisista satamajärjestyksistä ja liikennemaksuista (955/76).
Saimaa Canal (Saimaan kanavan hoitokunta).
The State Lighthouse and Port Authority pursuant to hafnalög nr. 69 árið 1984.
Port of Reykjavik.
Norges Statsbaner (NSB) (Railway terminals).
Entities operating pursuant to Havneloven (LOV 1984-06-08 51).
Publicly owned and/or operated ports and terminal facilities according to Lag (1988:293) om inrättande, utvidgning och avlysning av allmän farled och allmän hamn, Förordning (1983:744) om trafiken på Göta kanal, Kungörelse (1970:664) om trafik på Södertälje kanal, Kungörelse (1979:665) om trafik på Trollhätte kanal.
Rheinhäfen beider Basel: for the Kanton Basel-Stadt set up pursuant to the Gesetz vom 13. November 1919 betreffend Verwaltung der baselstädtischen Rheinhafenanlagen, for the Kanton Basel-Land set up pursuant to the Gesetz vom 26. Oktober 1936 über die Errichtung von Hafen-, Geleise- und Strassenanlagen auf dem ‘Sternenfeld’, Birsfelden, und in der ‘Au’, Muttenz.
Österreichische Post- und Telegraphenverwaltung (PTV).
Entities operating on the basis of an exclusive right pursuant to Article 4 of Teletoimintalaki (183/87) of 16 July 1990.
The Post and Telecommunication Administration pursuant to lög um fjarskipti nr. 73 árið 1984 and lög um stjórn og starfsemi póst- og símamála nr. 36 árið 1977.
Liechtensteiniscbe Post-, Telefon- und Telegrafenbetriebe (PTT).
Entities operating pursuant to Telegrafloven (LOV 1899-04-29).
Private entities operating subject to permits corresponding to the criteria of Article 2(3) of the Directive.
Schweizerische Post-, Telefon- und Telegrafenbetriebe (PTT).
Examples: Case 61/65 Vaassen v Beambtenfonds Mijnbedrijf [1966] ECR 261; [1966] CMLR 508: Case 36/73 Nederlandse Spoorwegen v Minister van Verkeer en Waterstaat [1973] ECR 1299; [1974] 2 CMLR 148; Case 246/80 Broekmeulen v Huisarts Registratie Commissie [1981] ECR 2311: [1982] 1 CMLR 91.
Article 30 of Directive 71/305/EEC and Article 28 of Directive 77/62/EEC refer to this Regulation which needs therefore to be part of the ‘acquis’.
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