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ANNEXU.K. Technical specifications and procedures

15. Exchange of information on disqualified directors U.K.

15.3. Detailed list of data U.K.

For the exchange of information on disqualified directors, Member States shall include the following data.

15.3.1. First level query on disqualification U.K.

Cardinality 0 means that the data is optional. Cardinality 1 means that the data is mandatory. Cardinality 0…n or 1…n means that more than one piece of the same type of data may be provided.

Data typeDescriptionCardinalityaAdditional description
Issuance Date and TimeDate and time when this query was sent1Date and Time
Issuing OrganisationName/Identifier of the organisation that issues this query1Party data structure
Recipient OrganisationName/Identifier of the register of the requested Member State1Party data structure
Legislation ReferenceReference to relevant national or Union legislation0…nText

First level query on disqualification

If the person who applies to be a director is a natural person

First nameFirst name of the person who applies to be a director1Text
SurnameSurname of the person who applies to be a director1Text
Date of birthDate of birth of the person who applies to be a director1Date
Further identification dataFurther data processed according to the requesting Member State’s national law and in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/6790…nText/date/identifier

First level query on disqualification

If the person who applies to be a director is a legal person

Name of the legal entityName of the legal entity which applies to be a director1Text
Legal formLegal form of the legal entity which applies to be a director1


As referred to in Annex II to Directive (EU) 2017/1132 of the company therein or other legal form if the legal entity falls outside of the scope Directive (EU) 2017/1132

EUIDEUID if it is a company listed in Annex II to Directive (EU) 2017/1132.1Identifier
Other registration numberOther registration number if not a company listed in Annex II to Directive (EU) 2017/1132.0Identifier
Alternate IDOther identifiers of the company (e.g. Legal Entity Identifier)0…nIdentifier

Member States shall provide information on the means of identification needed for an efficient exchange of information on disqualified directors. That information may consist in providing the data that is necessary to identify the persons covered by a request.

Member States may also use e-identification means for the identification of persons in the exchange of information.

Queries covering a legal person shall be sent only to those Member States which allow legal persons to be directors and which allow disqualification of such legal persons.

15.3.2. First level answer on disqualification U.K.

Cardinality 0 means that the data is optional. Cardinality 1 means that the data is mandatory. Cardinality 0…n or 1…n means that more than one piece of the same type of data may be provided.

Data typeDescriptionCardinalityaAdditional description
Issuance Date and TimeDate and time when this answer was sent1Date and Time
Issuing OrganisationName/Identifier of the organisation that issues this answer1Party data structure
Recipient OrganisationName/Identifier of the register of the requesting Member State1Party data structure
Legislation ReferenceReference to relevant national or Union legislation0…nText
Yes/no/no sufficient data for identification

‘Yes’ if the person is disqualified or is recorded in any of its registers that contain information relevant for disqualification of directors

‘No’ if the person is not disqualified or is not recorded in any of its registers that contain information relevant for disqualification of directors

‘No sufficient data for identification’ if the data provided does not make it possible to unequivocally identify the person and more information is needed.

1Select an option
Further identification data requiredIndicate what data is needed for unequivocal identification1…n (only if no sufficient data for identification)Text/date/identifier
No second level answer will be provided through BRISIf “yes”, option to indicate that no answer will be provided for second level query through BRIS0Select the option of further identification dataU.K.

In case the requested Member State requires further identification data to ensure unequivocal identification, the requesting Member State shall provide the data using the following message format:


Cardinality 0 means that the data is optional. Cardinality 1 means that the data is mandatory. Cardinality 0…n or 1…n means that more than one piece of the same type of data may be provided.

Data typeDescriptionCardinalityaAdditional description
Issuance Date and TimeDate and time when this query was sent1Date and Time
Issuing OrganisationName/Identifier of the organisation that issues this query1Party data structure
Recipient OrganisationName/Identifier of the register of the requested Member State1Party data structure
Legislation ReferenceReference to relevant national or Union legislation0…nText
Further identification dataFurther data required by the requested Member State to ensure unequivocal identification processed according to the requesting Member State’s national law and in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/6791…nText/date/identifier
15.3.3. Second level query on disqualification U.K.

Cardinality 0 means that the data is optional. Cardinality 1 means that the data is mandatory. Cardinality 0…n or 1…n means that more than one piece of the same type of data may be provided.

Data typeDescriptionCardinalityaAdditional description
Issuance Date and TimeDate and time when this query was sent1Date and Time
Issuing OrganisationName/Identifier of the organisation that issues this query1Party data structure
Recipient OrganisationName/Identifier of the register of the requested Member State1Party data structure
Legislation ReferenceReference to relevant national or Union legislation0…nText
Request further informationRequest for further information1…n

Request further information at least on one of the following:

  • grounds for disqualification under national law,

  • date of decision,

  • period or validity of the disqualification,

  • file number, issuer of the decision.

  • Information on any limitation to such disqualification (e.g. sector specific disqualifications)

15.3.4. Second level answer on disqualification U.K.

Cardinality 0 means that the data is optional. Cardinality 1 means that the data is mandatory. Cardinality 0…n or 1…n means that more than one piece of the same type of data may be provided.

Data typeDescriptionCardinalityaAdditional description
Issuance Date and TimeDate and time when this answer was sent1Date and Time
Issuing OrganisationName/Identifier of the organisation that issues this answer1Party data structure
Recipient OrganisationName/Identifier of the register of the requesting Member State1Party data structure
Legislation ReferenceReference to relevant national or Union legislation0…nText
Further informationRequest for further information1…n

Further information at least on one of the following:

  • grounds for disqualification under national law,

  • date of decision,

  • period or validity of the disqualification,

  • file number, issuer of the decision.

  • Information on any limitation to such disqualification (e.g. sector specific disqualifications)

  • No further information provided in case the Member State’s national law does not allow further exchange of information - list data on which further information is not provided.

    (attachment of documents possible)