ANNEX I CRequirements for construction, testing, installation, and inspection

Appendix 11




9.2.Symmetric Keys

9.2.1Keys for Securing VU — Motion Sensor Communication

Note: readers of this section are supposed to be familiar with the contents of [ISO 16844-3] describing the interface between a vehicle unit and a motion sensor. The pairing process between a VU and a motion sensor is described in detail in chapter 12 of this Appendix.

CSM_100A number of symmetric keys is needed for pairing vehicle units and motion sensors, for mutual authentication between vehicle units and motion sensors and for encrypting communication between vehicle units and motion sensors, as shown in Table 3. All of these keys shall be AES keys, with a key length equal to the length of the motion sensor master key, which shall be linked to the length of the (foreseen) European root key pair as described in CSM_50.

Table 3

Keys for securing vehicle unit — motion sensor communication



Generated by

Generation method

Stored by

Motion Sensor Master Key — VU part




ERCA, MSCAs involved in issuing VUs certificates, VU manufacturers, vehicle units

Motion Sensor Master Key — Workshop part




ERCA, MSCAs, card manufacturers, workshop cards

Motion Sensor Master Key


Not independently generated

Calculated as KM = KM-VU XOR KM-WC

ERCA, MSCAs involved in issuing motion sensors keys (optionally)104

Identification Key


Not independently generated

Calculated as KID = KM XOR CV, where CV is specified in CSM_106

ERCA, MSCAs involved in issuing motion sensors keys (optionally)104

Pairing Key


Motion sensor manufacturer


One motion sensor

Session Key


VU (during pairing of VU and motion sensor)


One VU and one motion sensor

Storage of KM and KID is optional, as these keys can be derived from KM-VU, KM-WC and CV.


The European Root Certificate Authority shall generate KM-VU and KM-WC, two random and unique AES keys from which the motion sensor master key KM can be calculated as KM-VU XOR KM-WC. The ERCA shall communicate KM, KM-VU and KM-WC to Member State Certificate Authorities upon their request.

CSM_102The ERCA shall assign to each motion sensor master key KM a unique version number, which shall also be applicable for the constituting keys KM-VU and KM-WC and for the related identification key KID. The ERCA shall inform the MSCAs about the version number when sending KM-VU and KM-WC to them.

Note: The version number is used to distinguish different generations of these keys, as explained in detail in section


A Member State Certificate Authority shall forward KM-VU, together with its version number, to vehicle unit manufacturers upon their request. The VU manufacturers shall insert KM-VU and its version number in all manufactured VUs.

CSM_104A Member State Certificate Authority shall ensure that KM-WC, together with its version number, is inserted in every workshop card issued under its responsibility.


See the description of data type Image_r00623 in Appendix 2.

as explained in section, in fact multiple generations of KM-WC may have to be inserted in a single workshop card.

CSM_105In addition to the AES key specified in CSM_104, a MSCA shall ensure that the TDES key KmWC, specified in requirement CSM_037 in Part A of this Appendix, is inserted in every workshop card issued under its responsibility.


This allows a second-generation workshop card to be used for coupling a first-generation VU.

A second-generation workshop card will contain two different applications, one complying with Part B of this Appendix and one complying with Part A. The latter will contain the TDES key KmWC.

CSM_106An MSCA involved in issuing motion sensors shall derive the identification key from the motion sensor master key by XORing it with a constant vector CV. The value of CV shall be as follows:

  • F1For 128-bit motion sensor master keys: CV = B6 44 2C 45 0E F8 D3 62 0B 7A 8A 97 91 E4 5D 83

  • For 192-bit motion sensor master keys: CV = ‘72 AD EA FA 00 BB F4 EE F4 99 15 70 5B 7E EE BB 1C 54 ED 46 8B 0E F8 25’

  • For 256-bit motion sensor master keys: CV = ‘1D 74 DB F0 34 C7 37 2F 65 55 DE D5 DC D1 9A C3 23 D6 A6 25 64 CD BE 2D 42 0D 85 D2 32 63 AD 60’

Note: the constant vectors have been generated as follows:

  • Pi_10 = first 10 bytes of the decimal portion of the mathematical constant π = ‘24 3F 6A 88 85 A3 08 D3 13 19’

  • CV_128-bits = first 16 bytes of SHA-256(Pi_10)

  • CV_192-bits = first 24 bytes of SHA-384(Pi_10)

  • CV_256-bits = first 32 bytes of SHA-512(Pi_10)

CSM_107F1Each Motion sensor manufacturer shall generate a random and unique pairing key KP for every motion sensor, and shall send each pairing key to its Member State Certificate Authority. The MSCA shall encrypt each pairing key separately with the motion sensor master key KM and shall return the encrypted key to the motion sensor manufacturer. For each encrypted key, the MSCA shall notify the motion sensor manufacturer of the version number of the associated KM.

Note: as explained in section, in fact a motion sensor manufacturer may have to generate multiple unique pairing keys for a single motion sensor.


Each motion sensor manufacturer shall generate a unique serial number for every motion sensor, and shall send all serial numbers to its Member State Certificate Authority. The MSCA shall encrypt each serial number separately with the identification key KID and shall return the encrypted serial number to the motion sensor manufacturer. For each encrypted serial number, the MSCA shall notify the motion sensor manufacturer of the version number of the associated KID.


For requirements CSM_107 and CSM_108, the MSCA shall use the AES algorithm in the Cipher Block Chaining mode of operation, as defined in [ISO 10116], with an interleave parameter m = 1 and an initialization vector SV = ‘00’ {16}, i.e. sixteen bytes with binary value 0. When necessary, the MSCA shall use padding method 2 defined in [ISO 9797-1].

CSM_110The motion sensor manufacturer shall store the encrypted pairing key and the encrypted serial number in the intended motion sensor, together with the corresponding plain text values and the version number of KM and KID used for encrypting.

Note: as explained in section, in fact a motion sensor manufacturer may have to insert multiple encrypted pairing keys and multiple encrypted serial numbers in a single motion sensor.

CSM_111In addition to the AES-based cryptographic material specified in CSM_110, a motion sensor manufacturer may also store in each motion sensor the TDES-based cryptographic material specified in requirement CSM_037 in Part A of this Appendix.

Note: doing so will allow a second-generation motion sensor to be coupled to a first-generation VU.


The length of the session key KS generated by a VU during the pairing to a motion sensor shall be linked to the length of its KM-VU, as described in CSM_50. Sensor Master Key Replacement in Second-Generation Equipment

CSM_113Each motion sensor master key and all related keys (see Table 3) is associated to a particular generation of the ERCA root key pair. These keys shall therefore be replaced every 17 years. The validity period of each motion sensor master key generation shall begin one year before the associated ERCA root key pair becomes valid and shall end when the associated ERCA root key pair expires. This is depicted in Figure 2.

Figure 2
Issuance and usage of different generations of the motion sensor master key in vehicle units, motions sensors and workshop cards



At least one year before generating a new European root key pair, as described in CSM_56, the ERCA shall generate a new motion sensor master key KM by generating a new KM-VU and KM-WC. The length of the motion sensor master key shall be linked to the foreseen strength of the new European root key pair, according to CSM_50. The ERCA shall communicate the new KM, KM-VU and KM-WC to the MSCAs upon their request, together with their version number.

CSM_115An MSCA shall ensure that all valid generations of KM-WC are stored in every workshop card issued under its authority, together with their version numbers, as shown in Figure 2.

Note: this implies that in the last year of the validity period of an ERCA certificate, workshop cards will be issued with three different generations of KM-WC, as shown in Figure 2.

CSM_116In relation to the process described in CSM_107 and CSM_108 above: An MSCA shall encrypt each pairing key KP it receives from a motion sensor manufacturer separately with each valid generation of the motion sensor master key KM. An MSCA shall also encrypt each serial number it receives from a motion sensor manufacturer separately with each valid generation of the identification key KID. A motion sensor manufacturer shall store all encryptions of the pairing key and all encryptions of the serial number in the intended motion sensor, together with the corresponding plain text values and the version number(s) of KM and KID used for encrypting.

Note: This implies that in the last year of the validity period of an ERCA certificate, motion sensors will be issued with encrypted data based on three different generations of KM, as shown in Figure 2.

CSM_117In relation to the process described in CSM_107 above: Since the length of the pairing key KP shall be linked to the length of KM (see CSM_100), a motion sensor manufacturer may have to generate up to three different pairing keys (of different lengths) for one motion sensor, in case subsequent generations of KM have different lengths. In such a case, the manufacturer shall send each pairing key to the MSCA. The MSCA shall ensure that each pairing key is encrypted with the correct generation of the motion sensor master key, i.e. the one having the same length.

Note: In case the motion sensor manufacturer chooses to generate a TDES-based pairing key for a second-generation motion sensor (see CSM_111), the manufacturer shall indicate to the MSCA that the TDES-based motion sensor master key must be used for encrypting this pairing key. This is because the length of a TDES key may be equal to that of an AES key, so the MSCA cannot judge from the key length alone.

CSM_118Vehicle unit manufacturers shall insert only one generation of KM-VU in each vehicle unit, together with its version number. This KM-VU generation shall be linked to the ERCA certificate upon which the VU's certificates are based.


A vehicle unit based on the generation X ERCA certificate shall only contain the generation X KM-VU, even if it is issued after the start of the validity period of the generation X+1 ERCA certificate. This is shown in Figure 2.

A VU of generation X cannot be paired to a motion sensor of generation X-1.

Since workshop cards have a validity period of one year, the result of CSM_113 — CSM_118 is that all workshop cards will contain the new KM-WC at the moment the first VU containing the new KM-VU is issued. Therefore, such a VU will always be able to calculate the new KM. Moreover, by that time most new motion sensors will contain encrypted data based on the new KM as well.

9.2.2Keys for Securing DSRC Communication


The authenticity and confidentiality of data communicated from a vehicle unit to a control authority over a DSRC remote communication channel shall be ensured by means of a set of VU-specific AES keys derived from a single DSRC master key, KMDSRC.


The DSRC master key KMDSRC shall be an AES key that is securely generated, stored and distributed by the ERCA. The key length may be 128, 192 or 256 bits and shall be linked to the length of the European root key pair, as described in CSM_50.


The ERCA shall communicate the DSRC master key to Member State Certificate Authorities upon their request in a secure manner, to allow them to derive VU-specific DSRC keys and to ensure that the DSRC master key is inserted in all control cards and workshop cards issued under their responsibility.

CSM_122The ERCA shall assign to each DSRC master key a unique version number. The ERCA shall inform the MSCAs about the version number when sending the DSRC master key to them.

Note: The version number is used to distinguish different generations of the DSRC master key, as explained in detail in section

F1CSM_123For every vehicle unit, the vehicle unit manufacturer shall create a unique VU serial number and shall send this number to its Member State Certificate Authority in a request to obtain a set of two VU-specific DSRC keys. The VU serial number shall have data type Image_r00625 .


  • This VU serial number shall be identical to the vuSerialNumber element of VuIdentification, see Appendix 1 and to the Certificate Holder Reference in the VU’s certificates.

  • The VU serial number may not be known at the moment a vehicle unit manufacturer requests the VU-specific DSRC keys. In this case, the VU manufacturer shall send instead the unique certificate request ID it used when requesting the VU’s certificates; see CSM_153. This certificate request ID shall therefore be equal to the Certificate Holder Reference in the VU’s certificates.

CSM_124Upon receiving a request for VU-specific DSRC keys, the MSCA shall derive two AES keys for the vehicle unit, called K_VUDSRC_ENC and K_VUDSRC_MAC. These VU-specific keys shall have the same length as the DSRC master key. The MSCA shall use the key derivation function defined in [RFC 5869]. The hash function that is necessary to instantiate the HMAC-Hash function shall be linked to the length of the DSRC master key, as described in CSM_50. The key derivation function in [RFC 5869] shall be used as follows:

  • Step 1 (Extract):

    • PRK = HMAC-Hash (salt, IKM) where salt is an empty string ‘’ and IKM is KMDSRC.

  • Step 2 (Expand):

    • OKM = T(1), where

      T(1) = HMAC-Hash (PRK, T(0) || info || ‘01’) with

      • T(0) = an empty string (‘’)

      • F1info = VU serial number or certificate request ID, as specified in CSM_123

    • K_VUDSRC_ENC = first L octets of OKM and

      K_VUDSRC_MAC = last L octets of OKM

      where L is the required length of K_VUDSRC_ENC and K_VUDSRC_MAC in octets.


The MSCA shall distribute K_VUDSRC_ENC and K_VUDSRC_MAC to the VU manufacturer in a secure manner for insertion in the intended vehicle unit.


When issued, a vehicle unit shall have stored K_VUDSRC_ENC and K_VUDSRC_MAC in its secure memory, in order to be able to ensure the integrity, authenticity and confidentiality of data sent over the remote communication channel. A vehicle unit shall also store the version number of the DSRC master key used to derive these VU-specific keys.

CSM_127When issued, control cards and workshop cards shall have stored KMDSRC in their secure memory, in order to be able to verify the integrity and authenticity of data sent by a VU over the remote communication channel and to decrypt this data. Control cards and workshop cards shall also store the version number of the DSRC master key.

Note: as explained in section, in fact multiple generations of KMDSRC may have to be inserted in a single workshop card or control card.


The MSCA shall keep records of all VU-specific DSRC keys it generated, their version number and the VU serial number or certificate request ID used in deriving them. Master Key Replacement

CSM_129Each DSRC master key is associated to a particular generation of the ERCA root key pair. The ERCA shall therefore replace the DSRC master key every 17 years. The validity period of each DSRC master key generation shall begin two years before the associated ERCA root key pair becomes valid and shall end when the associated ERCA root key pair expires. This is depicted in Figure 3.

Figure 3
Issuance and usage of different generations of the DSRC master key in vehicle units, workshop cards and control cards



At least two years before generating a new European root key pair, as described in CSM_56, the ERCA shall generate a new DSRC master key. The length of the DSRC key shall be linked to the foreseen strength of the new European root key pair, according to CSM_50. The ERCA shall communicate the new DSRC master key to the MSCAs upon their request, together with its version number.

CSM_131An MSCA shall ensure that all valid generations of KMDSRC are stored in every control card issued under its authority, together with their version numbers, as shown in Figure 3.

Note: this implies that in the last two years of the validity period of an ERCA certificate, control cards will be issued with three different generations of KMDSRC, as shown in Figure 3.

CSM_132An MSCA shall ensure that all generations of KMDSRC that have been valid for at least a year and are still valid, are stored in every workshop card issued under its authority, together with their version numbers, as shown in Figure 3.

Note: this implies that in the last year of the validity period of an ERCA certificate, workshop cards will be issued with three different generations of KMDSRC, as shown in Figure 3.

CSM_133Vehicle unit manufacturers shall insert only one set of VU-specific DSRC keys into each vehicle unit, together with its version number. This set of keys shall be derived from the KMDSRC generation linked to the ERCA certificate upon which the VU's certificates are based.


This implies that a vehicle unit based on the generation X ERCA certificate shall only contain the generation X K_VUDSRC_ENC and K_VUDSRC_MAC, even if the VU is issued after the start of the validity period of the generation X+1 ERCA certificate. This is shown in Figure 3.

Since workshop cards have a validity period of one year and control cards of two years, the result of CSM_131 — CSM_133 is that all workshop cards and control cards will contain the new DSRC master key at the moment the first VU containing VU-specific keys based on that master key will be issued.