
ANNEX VII Measurements and calculations

4. Seasonal space heating energy efficiency and consumption of heat pump space heaters and heat pump combination heaters

(a)For establishing the rated coefficient of performance COPrated or rated primary energy ratio PERrated , or the sound power level, the operating conditions shall be the standard rating conditions set out in Table 9 and the same declared capacity for heating shall be used.

(b)The active mode coefficient of performance SCOPon for average, colder and warmer climate conditions shall be calculated on the basis of the part load for heating Ph(Tj), the supplementary capacity for heating sup(Tj) (if applicable), and the bin-specific coefficient of performance COPbin(Tj) or bin-specific primary energy ratio PERbin(Tj), weighted by the bin-hours for which the bin conditions apply, using the following conditions:

(c)The reference annual heating demand QH shall be the design load for heating Pdesignh for average, colder and warmer climate conditions, multiplied by the annual equivalent active mode hours HHE of 2 066, 2 465 and 1 336 for average, colder and warmer climate conditions, respectively.

(d)The annual energy consumption QHE shall be calculated as the sum of:

(e)The seasonal coefficient of performance SCOP or seasonal primary energy ratio SPER shall be calculated as the ratio of the reference annual heating demand QH and the annual energy consumption QHE .

(f)The seasonal space heating energy efficiency ηs shall be calculated as the seasonal coefficient of performance SCOP divided by the conversion coefficient CC or the seasonal primary energy ratio SPER, corrected by contributions accounting for temperature controls and, for water-/brine-to-water heat pump space heaters and heat pump combination heaters, the electricity consumption of one or more ground water pumps.

(g)The annual energy consumption QHE in kWh in terms of final energy and/or GJ in terms of GCV shall be calculated as the ratio of the reference annual heating demand QH and the seasonal space heating energy efficiency ηs .