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Section 1 U.K. Financing of expenditure

Article 16U.K.Budget ceiling

1.The annual ceiling for EAGF expenditure shall be constituted by the maximum amounts set for it under Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 1311/2013.

2.In the event that Union law provides for sums to be deducted from or added to the amounts referred to in paragraph 1, the Commission shall adopt implementing acts without applying the procedure referred to in Article 116, setting the net balance available for EAGF expenditure on the basis of the data referred to in Union law.

Article 17U.K.Monthly payments

1.The appropriations necessary to finance the expenditure referred to in Article 4(1) shall be made available to Member States by the Commission in the form of monthly payments, on the basis of the expenditure effected by the accredited paying agencies during a reference period.

2.Until transfer of the monthly payments by the Commission, the resources required to undertake expenditure shall be mobilised by the Member States according to the needs of their accredited paying agencies.

Article 18U.K.Procedure for monthly payments

1.Without prejudice to the application of Articles 51 and 52, monthly payments shall be made by the Commission for expenditure effected by accredited paying agencies during the reference month.

2.Monthly payments shall be made to each Member State at the latest on the third working day of the second month following that in which the expenditure is effected. Expenditure effected by Member States between 1 and 15 October shall count as having been made in the month of October. Expenditure effected between 16 and 31 October shall count as having been made in the month of November.

3.The Commission shall adopt implementing acts determining the monthly payments which it makes on the basis of a declaration of expenditure from the Member States and the information supplied in accordance with Article 102(1), taking account of reductions or suspensions applied under Article 41 or any other corrections. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the advisory procedure referred to in Article 116(2).

4.The Commission may adopt, implementing acts without applying the procedure referred to in Article 116, determining supplementary payments or deductions. In such cases, the committee referred to in Article 116(1) shall be informed at its next meeting.

Article 19U.K.Administrative and personnel costs

Expenditure relating to administrative and personnel costs effected by Member States and by beneficiaries of aid from the EAGF shall not be borne by the Fund.

Article 20U.K.Public intervention expenditure

1.Where, within the framework of the common organisation of the markets, a sum per unit is not determined in respect of a public intervention, the EAGF shall finance the measure concerned on the basis of standard amounts uniform throughout the Union, in particular as regards funds originating in the Member States used for buying-in products, for material operations arising from storage and, where appropriate, for the processing of intervention products.

2.In order to ensure the funding by the EAGF of the public intervention expenditure the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 115 concerning:

(a)the type of measures eligible for Union financing and the reimbursement conditions;

(b)the eligibility conditions and calculation methods based on the information actually observed by the paying agencies or based on flat-rates determined by the Commission, or based on flat-rate or non-flat-rate amounts provided for by the sectoral agricultural legislation.

3.In order to ensure the proper management of the appropriations entered in the Union's budget for the EAGF, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 115, laying down rules on the valuation of operations in connection with public intervention, the measures to be taken in the case of loss or deterioration of products under the public intervention, and on the determination of the amounts to be financed.

4.The Commission shall adopt implementing acts, fixing the amounts referred to in paragraph 1. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the advisory procedure referred to in Article 116(2).

Article 21U.K.Acquisition of satellite images

The list of the satellite images required for checks shall be agreed by the Commission and the Member States in accordance with the specification prepared by each Member State.

The Commission shall supply those satellite images free of charge to the control bodies or to suppliers of services authorised by those bodies to represent them.

The Commission shall remain the owner of the satellite images and shall recover them on completion of the work. It may also provide that work be carried out on enhancing techniques and working methods in connection with the inspection of agricultural areas by remote sensing.

Article 22U.K.Monitoring of agricultural resources

The measures financed pursuant to point (c) of Article 6 shall aim to give the Commission the means to:


manage Union agricultural markets in a global context;


ensure agri-economic and agri-environmental monitoring of agricultural land, including agro-forestry, and monitoring of the condition of crops so as to enable estimates to be made, in particular as regards yields and agricultural production;


share the access to such estimates in an international context, such as those initiatives coordinated by United Nations organisations or other international agencies;


contribute to transparency of world markets; and


ensure technological follow-up of the agri-meteorological system.

The measures financed pursuant to point (c) of Article 6 concern the collection or purchase of data needed to implement and monitor the CAP, including satellite data and meteorological data, the creation of a spatial data infrastructure and a website, the carrying out of specific studies on climatic conditions, remote sensing used to assist in the monitoring of soil health and the updating of agri-meteorological and econometric models. Where necessary, those measures shall be carried out in collaboration with national laboratories and bodies.

Article 23U.K.Implementing powers

The Commission may adopt implementing acts, laying down:


rules relating to the financing pursuant to points (b) and (c) of Article 6,


the procedure under which the measures referred to in Articles 21 and 22 shall be carried out in order to meet the objectives assigned,


the framework governing the acquisition, enhancing and utilisation of satellite images and meteorological data, and the applicable deadlines.

Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 116(3).