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ANNEX IVU.K. Activity-specific monitoring methodologies related to installations (Article 20(2))

8. PFC emissions from production or processing of primary aluminium as listed in Annex I to Directive 2003/87/EC U.K.

B. Determination of PFC emissions U.K.

Calculation Method B Overvoltage Method U.K.

Where the anode effect overvoltage is measured, the operator shall use the following equations for the determination of PFC emissions:

CF4 emissions [t] = OVC × (AEO/CE) × PrAl × 0,001

C2F6 emissions [t] = CF4 emissions × FC2F6




Overvoltage coefficient (‘emission factor’) expressed as kg CF4 per tonne of aluminium produced per mV overvoltage;



Anode effect overvoltage per cell [mV] determined as the integral of (time × voltage above the target voltage) divided by the time (duration) of data collection;



Average current efficiency of aluminium production [%];



Annual production of primary Aluminium [t];



Weight fraction of C2F6 (t C2F6/t CF4);

The term AEO/CE (Anode effect overvoltage/current efficiency) expresses the time-integrated average anode effect overvoltage [mV overvoltage] per average current efficiency [%].

Emission factor


The emission factor for CF4 (‘overvoltage coefficient’ OVC) shall express the amount [kg] of CF4 emitted per tonne of aluminium produced per millivolt overvoltage [mV]. The emission factor of C2F6 (weight fraction FC2F6) shall express the amount [t] of C2F6 emitted proportionate to the amount [t] of CF4 emitted.

Tier 1


The operator shall apply technology-specific emission factors from Table 2 of this section of Annex IV.

Tier 2


The operator shall use installation-specific emission factors for CF4 [(kg CF4/t Al)/(mV)] and C2F6 [t C2F6/t CF4] established through continuous or intermittent field measurements. For the determination of those emission factors, the operator shall use the most recent version of the guidance mentioned under tier 3 of section of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. The operator shall determine the emission factors with a maximum uncertainty of ± 15 % each.

The operator shall determine the emission factors at least every three years or earlier where necessary due to relevant changes at the installation. Relevant changes shall include a change in the distribution of anode effect duration or a change in the control algorithm affecting the mix of the types of anode effects or the nature of the anode effect termination routine.

Table 2:
Technology-specific emission factors related to overvoltage activity data
TechnologyEmission factor for CF4[(kg CF4/t Al)/mV]Emission factor for C2F6[t C2F6/t CF4]
Centre Worked Prebake (CWPB)1,160,121
Vertical Stud Søderberg (VSS)N.A.0,053