Commission Regulation (EU) No 601/2012 (repealed)Show full title

Commission Regulation (EU) No 601/2012 of 21 June 2012 on the monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (Text with EEA relevance) (repealed)

B. Specific monitoring rules

Emissions from combustion including flue gas scrubbing shall be monitored in accordance with section 1 of this Annex. Process emissions from raw meal components shall be monitored in accordance with section 4 of Annex II. For ceramics based on purified or synthetic clays the operator may use either Method A or Method B. For ceramic products based on unprocessed clays and whenever clays or additives with significant organic content are used, the operator shall use Method A. Carbonates of calcium shall be always taken into account. Other carbonates and organic carbon in the raw material shall be taken into account, where relevant.

By way of derogation from section 4 of Annex II, the following tier definitions for emission factors for process emissions shall apply:

Method A (Input based)
Tier 1


A conservative value of 0,2 tonnes CaCO3 (corresponding to 0,08794 tonnes of CO2) per tonne of dry clay shall be applied for the calculation of the emission factor instead of results of analyses.

Tier 2


An emission factor for each source stream shall be derived and updated at least once per year using best industry practice reflecting site-specific conditions and the product mix of the installation.

Tier 3


The determination of the composition of the relevant raw materials shall be carried out in accordance with Articles 32 to 35.

Method B (Output based)
Tier 1


A conservative value of 0,123 tonnes of CaO (corresponding to 0,09642 tonnes of CO2) per tonne of product shall be applied for the calculation of the emission factor instead of the results of analyses.

Tier 2


An emission factor shall be derived and updated at least once per year using best industry practice reflecting site-specific conditions and the product mix of the installation.

Tier 3


The determination of the composition of the products shall be carried out in accordance with Articles 32 to 35.

By way of derogation from section 1 of this Annex, for the scrubbing of flue gases the following tier for the emission factor shall apply:

Tier 1


The operator shall apply the stoichiometric ratio of CaCO3 as shown in section 2 of Annex VI.

For scrubbing, no other tier and no conversion factor shall be used. Double counting from used limestone recycled as raw material in the same installation shall be avoided.