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[F1ANNEX VIII U.K. Certain products and substances for use in production of processed organic food, yeast and yeast products referred to in Article 27(1)(a) and Article 27a(a)


For the purpose of the calculation referred to in Article 23(4)(a)(ii) of Regulation (EC) No 834/2007, food additives marked with an asterisk in the column of the code number, shall be calculated as ingredients of agricultural origin


Commission Implementing Directive (EU) 2017/1279 of 14 July 2017 amending Annexes I to V to Council Directive 2000/29/EC on protective measures against the introduction into the Community of organisms harmful to plants or plant products and against their spread within the Community ( OJ L 184, 15.7.2017, p. 33 ).

Code Name Preparation of foodstuffs of Specific conditions and restrictions in addition to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008
plant origin Animal origin
E 153 Vegetable carbon X

Ashy goat cheese

Morbier cheese

E 160b* Annatto, Bixin, Norbixin X

Red Leicester cheese

Double Gloucester cheese


Mimolette cheese

E 170 Calcium carbonate X X Shall not be used for colouring or calcium enrichment of products
E 220 Sulphur dioxide X X(Only for mead) In fruit wines (wine made from fruits other than grapes, including cider and perry) and mead with and without added sugar: 100 mg/l (Maximum levels available from all sources, expressed as SO 2 in mg/l)
E 223 Sodium metabisulphite X Crustaceans
E 224 Potassium metabisulphite X X (Only for mead) In fruit wines (wine made from fruits other than grapes, including cider and perry) and mead with and without added sugar: 100 mg/l (Maximum levels available from all sources, expressed as SO 2 in mg/l)
E250 Sodium nitrite X For meat products. May only be used, if it has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the competent authority that no technological alternative, giving the same guarantees and/or allowing to maintain the specific features of the product, is available. Not in combination with E252. Indicative ingoing amount expressed as NaNO 2 : 80 mg/kg, maximum residual amount expressed as NaNO 2 : 50 mg/kg
E252 Potassium nitrate X For meat products. May only be used, if it has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the competent authority that no technological alternative, giving the same guarantees and/or allowing to maintain the specific features of the product, is available. Not in combination with E250. Indicative ingoing amount expressed as NaNO 3 : 80 mg/kg, maximum residual amount expressed as NaNO 3 : 50 mg/kg
E 270 Lactic acid X X
E 290 Carbon dioxide X X
E 296 Malic acid X
E 300 Ascorbic acid X X With regard to foodstuffs of animal origin: Meat products
E 301 Sodium ascorbate X With regard to foodstuffs of animal origin: Meat products in connection with nitrates and nitrites
E 306(*) Tocopherol-rich extract X X Anti-oxidant
E 322(*) Lecithins X X

With regard to foodstuffs of animal origin: Milk products.

Only when derived from organic production. Applicable as of 1 January 2022 . Until that date, only when derived from organic raw material.

E 325 Sodium lactate X Milk-based and meat products
E 330 Citric acid X X
E 331 Sodium citrates X X
E 333 Calcium citrates X
E 334 Tartaric acid (L(+)-) X X(Only for mead) With regard to foodstuffs of animal origin: Mead.
E 335 Sodium tartrates X
E 336 Potassium tartrates X
E 341 (i) Monocalcium phosphate X Raising agent for self-raising flour
E 392* Extracts of Rosemary X X Only when derived from organic production
E 400 Alginic acid X X With regard to foodstuffs of animal origin: milk-based products
E 401 Sodium alginate X X With regard to foodstuffs of animal origin: milk-based products
E 402 Potassium alginate X X With regard to foodstuffs of animal origin: milk-based products
E 406 Agar X X With regard to foodstuffs of animal origin: milk-based products and meat products
E 407 Carrageenan X X With regard to foodstuffs of animal origin: milk-based products
E 410* Locust bean gum X X Only when derived from organic production. Applicable as of 1 January 2022.
E 412* Guar gum X X Only when derived from organic production. Applicable as of 1 January 2022.
E 414* Arabic gum X X Only when derived from organic production. Applicable as of 1 January 2022.
E 415 Xanthan gum X X
E 417 Tara gum powder X X


Only when derived from organic production. Applicable as of 1 January 2022.

E 418 Gellan gum X X

High-acyl form only

Only when derived from organic production. Applicable as of [F21 January 2023].

E 422 Glycerol X X

Only from plant origin

Only when derived from organic production. Applicable as of 1 January 2022.

For plant extracts, flavourings, humectant in gel capsules and as a surface coating of tablets

E 440 (i)* Pectin X X With regard to foodstuffs of animal origin: milk-based products
E 464 Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose X X Encapsulation material for capsules
E 500 Sodium carbonates X X
E 501 Potassium carbonates X
E 503 Ammonium carbonates X
E 504 Magnesium carbonates X
E 509 Calcium chloride X Milk coagulation
E 516 Calcium sulphate X Carrier
E 524 Sodium hydroxide X Surface treatment of ‘ Laugengebäck ’ and regulation of acidity in organic flavourings
E 551 Silicon dioxide X X For herbs and spices in dried powdered form, flavourings and propolis
E 553b Talc X X With regard to foodstuffs of animal origin: surface treatment of sausages
E 901 Beeswax X

As a glazing agent for confectionary only.

Beeswax from organic production

E 903 Carnauba wax X

As a glazing agent for confectionary

As a mitigating method for mandatory extreme cold treatment of fruit as a quarantine measure against harmful organisms (Commission Implementing Directive (EU) 2017/1279) a

Only when derived from organic production. Applicable as of 1 January 2022 . Until that date, only when derived from organic raw material.

E 938 Argon X X
E 939 Helium X X
E 941 Nitrogen X X
E 948 Oxygen X X
E 968 Erythritol X X Only when derived from organic production without using ion exchange technology

Textual Amendments


Name Preparation of all foodstuffs of plant origin Preparation of all foodstuffs of animal origin Specific conditions and restrictions in addition to Regulation (EU) No 1333/2008
Water X X Drinking water within the meaning of Council Directive 98/83/EC
Calcium chloride X Coagulation agent
Calcium carbonate X
Calcium hydroxide X
Calcium sulphate X Coagulation agent
Magnesium chloride (or nigari) X Coagulation agent
Potassium carbonate X With regard to foodstuffs of plant origin: drying of grapes
Sodium carbonate X X
Lactic acid X With regard to foodstuffs of animal origin: for the regulation of the pH of the brine bath in cheese production
L(+)lactic acid from fermentation X With regard to foodstuffs of plant origin: for the preparation of plant protein extracts
Citric acid X X
Sodium hydroxide X With regard to foodstuffs of plant origin: for sugar(s) production; for oil production excluding olive oil production; for the preparation of plant protein extracts
Sulphuric acid X X

Gelatine production

Sugar(s) production

Hop extract X

With regard to foodstuffs of plant origin: only for antimicrobial purposes in production of sugar.

When available from organic production

Pine rosin extract X

With regard to foodstuffs of plant origin: only for antimicrobial purposes in production of sugar.

When available from organic production

Hydrochloric acid X With regard to foodstuffs of animal origin: Gelatine production; for the regulation of the pH of the brine bath in the processing of Gouda-, Edam and Maasdammer cheeses, Boerenkaas, Friese and Leidse Nagelkaas
Ammonium hydroxide X With regard to foodstuffs of animal origin: gelatine production
Hydrogen peroxide X With regard to foodstuffs of animal origin: gelatine production
Carbon dioxide X X
Nitrogen X X
Ethanol X X Solvent
Tannic acid X Filtration aid
Egg white albumin X
Casein X
Gelatin X
Isinglass X
Vegetable oils X X

Greasing, releasing or anti-foaming agent.

Only when derived from organic production

Silicon dioxide gel or colloidal solution X
Activated carbon X
Talc X In compliance with the specific purity criteria for food additive E 553b
Bentonite X X With regard to foodstuffs of animal origin: as a sticking agent for mead
Cellulose X X With regard to foodstuffs of animal origin: Gelatine production
Diatomaceous earth X X With regard to foodstuffs of animal origin: Gelatine production
Perlite X X With regard to foodstuffs of animal origin: Gelatine production
Hazelnut shells X
Rice meal X
Beeswax X

Releasing agent.

Beeswax from organic production

Carnauba wax X

Releasing agent.

Only when derived from organic production.

Applicable as of 1 January 2022 . Until that date, only when derived from organic raw material

Acetic acid/vinegar X

Only when derived from organic production.

For fish processing only. From natural fermentation, Not to be produced by or from GMO

Thiamin hydrochloride X X Only for use in processing of fruit wines, including cider and perry and mead
Diammonium phosphate X X Only for use in processing of fruit wines, including cider and perry and mead
Wood fibre X X

The source of timber should be restricted to certified, sustainably harvested wood.

Wood used must not contain toxic components (post-harvest treatment, naturally occurring toxins or toxins from micro-organisms)


Name Primary yeast Yeast confections/ formulations Specific conditions
Calcium chloride X
Carbon dioxide X X
Citric acid X For the regulation of the pH in yeast production
Lactic acid X For the regulation of the pH in yeast production
Nitrogen X X
Oxygen X X
Potato starch X X

For filtering

Only when derived from organic production

Sodium carbonate X X For the regulation of the pH
Vegetable oils X X Greasing, releasing or anti-foaming agent Only when derived from organic production]