Article 10Access to information


Member States shall make easily accessible to applicants the information on all the documentary evidence needed for an application and information on entry and residence, including the rights, obligations and procedural safeguards, of the intra-corporate transferee and of his or her family members. Member States shall also make easily available information on the procedures applicable to the short-term mobility referred to in Article 21(2) and to the long-term mobility referred to in Article 22(1).


The Member States concerned shall make available information to the host entity on the right of Member States to impose sanctions in accordance with Articles 9 and 23.

Article 11Applications for an intra-corporate transferee permit or a permit for long-term mobility


Member States shall determine whether an application is to be submitted by the third-country national or by the host entity. Member States may also decide to allow an application from either of the two.


The application for an intra-corporate transferee permit shall be submitted when the third-country national is residing outside the territory of the Member State to which admission is sought.


The application for an intra-corporate transferee permit shall be submitted to the authorities of the Member State where the first stay takes place. Where the first stay is not the longest, the application shall be submitted to the authorities of the Member State where the longest overall stay is to take place during the transfer.


Member States shall designate the authorities competent to receive the application and to issue the intra-corporate transferee permit or the permit for long-term mobility.


The applicant shall be entitled to submit an application in a single application procedure.


Simplified procedures relating to the issue of intra-corporate transferee permits, permits for long-term mobility, permits granted to family members of an intra-corporate transferee, and visas may be made available to entities or to undertakings or groups of undertakings that have been recognised for that purpose by Member States in accordance with their national law or administrative practice.

Recognition shall be regularly reassessed.


The simplified procedures provided for in paragraph 6 shall at least include:


exempting the applicant from presenting some of the evidence referred to in Article 5 or in point (a) of Article 22(2);


a fast-track admission procedure allowing intra-corporate transferee permits and permits for long-term mobility to be issued within a shorter time than specified in Article 15(1) or in point (b) of Article 22(2); and/or


facilitated and/or accelerated procedures in relation to the issue of the requisite visas.


Entities or undertakings or groups of undertakings which have been recognised in accordance with paragraph 6 shall notify to the relevant authority any modification affecting the conditions for recognition without delay and, in any event, within 30 days.


Member States shall provide for appropriate sanctions, including revocation of recognition, in the event of failure to notify the relevant authority.

Article 12Duration of an intra-corporate transfer


The maximum duration of the intra-corporate transfer shall be three years for managers and specialists and one year for trainee employees after which they shall leave the territory of the Member States unless they obtain a residence permit on another basis in accordance with Union or national law.


Without prejudice to their obligations under international agreements, Member States may require a period of up to six months to elapse between the end of the maximum duration of a transfer referred to in paragraph 1 and another application concerning the same third-country national for the purposes of this Directive in the same Member State.

Article 13Intra-corporate transferee permit


Intra-corporate transferees who fulfil the admission criteria set out in Article 5 and for whom the competent authorities have taken a positive decision shall be issued with an intra-corporate transferee permit.


The period of validity of the intra-corporate transferee permit shall be at least one year or the duration of the transfer to the territory of the Member State concerned, whichever is shorter, and may be extended to a maximum of three years for managers and specialists and one year for trainee employees.


The intra-corporate transferee permit shall be issued by the competent authorities of the Member State using the uniform format laid down in Regulation (EC) No 1030/2002.


Under the heading ‘type of permit’, in accordance with point (a) 6.4 of the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1030/2002, the Member States shall enter ‘ICT’.

Member States may also add an indication in their official language or languages.


Member States shall not issue any additional permits, in particular work permits of any kind.


Member States may indicate additional information relating to the employment activity during the intra-corporate transfer of the third-country national in paper format, and/or store such data in electronic format as referred to in Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 1030/2002 and point (a)16 of the Annex thereto.


The Member State concerned shall grant third-country nationals whose application for admission has been accepted every facility to obtain the requisite visa.

Article 14Modifications affecting the conditions for admission during the stay

Any modification during the stay that affects the conditions for admission set out in Article 5 shall be notified by the applicant to the competent authorities of the Member State concerned.

Article 15Procedural safeguards


The competent authorities of the Member State concerned shall adopt a decision on the application for an intra-corporate transferee permit or a renewal of it and notify the decision to the applicant in writing, in accordance with the notification procedures under national law, as soon as possible but not later than 90 days from the date on which the complete application was submitted.


Where the information or documentation supplied in support of the application is incomplete, the competent authorities shall notify the applicant within a reasonable period of the additional information that is required and set a reasonable deadline for providing it. The period referred to in paragraph 1 shall be suspended until the competent authorities have received the additional information required.


Reasons for a decision declaring inadmissible or rejecting an application or refusing renewal shall be given to the applicant in writing. Reasons for a decision withdrawing an intra-corporate transferee permit shall be given in writing to the intra-corporate transferee and to the host entity.


Any decision declaring inadmissible or rejecting the application, refusing renewal, or withdrawing an intra-corporate transferee permit shall be open to legal challenge in the Member State concerned, in accordance with national law. The written notification shall specify the court or administrative authority with which an appeal may be lodged and the time-limit for lodging the appeal.


Within the period referred to in Article 12(1) an applicant shall be allowed to submit an application for renewal before the expiry of the intra-corporate transferee permit. Member States may set a maximum deadline of 90 days prior to the expiry of the intra-corporate transferee permit for submitting an application for renewal.


Where the validity of the intra-corporate transferee permit expires during the procedure for renewal, Member States shall allow the intra-corporate transferee to stay on their territory until the competent authorities have taken a decision on the application. In such a case, they may issue, where required under national law, national temporary residence permits or equivalent authorisations.

Article 16Fees

Member States may require the payment of fees for the handling of applications in accordance with this Directive. The level of such fees shall not be disproportionate or excessive.