

Article 34UNECE Regulations required for EC type-approval

1.UNECE Regulations to which the Community has acceded and which are listed in Part I of Annex IV and in Annex XI are part of the EC type-approval of a vehicle in the same way as the separate directives or regulations. They shall apply to the categories of vehicles listed in the relevant columns in the table of Part I of Annex IV and Annex XI.

2.When the Community has decided to apply on a compulsory basis a UNECE Regulation for the purpose of EC vehicle type-approval in accordance with Article 4(4) of Decision 97/836/EC, the annexes to this Directive shall be amended as appropriate in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 40(2) of this Directive. The act amending the Annexes to this Directive shall also specify the dates of compulsory application of the UNECE Regulation or of its amendments. Member States shall repeal or adapt any national legislation that is incompatible with the UNECE Regulation in question.

Where such a UNECE Regulation replaces an existing separate directive or regulation, the relevant entry in Part I of Annex IV and in Annex XI shall be replaced by the number of the UNECE Regulation and the corresponding entry in Part II of Annex IV shall be deleted in accordance with the same procedure.

3.In the cases referred to in the second subparagraph of paragraph 2, the separate directive or regulation replaced by the UNECE Regulation shall be repealed in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 40(2).

Where a separate directive is repealed, Member States shall repeal any national legislation that was adopted for the transposition of that directive.

4.Direct references may be made in this Directive or in the separate directives or regulations to international standards and regulations without reproducing them in the Community legal framework.

Article 35Equivalence of UNECE Regulations with directives or regulations

1.The UNECE Regulations listed in Part II of Annex IV are recognised as being equivalent to the corresponding separate directives or regulations in as much as they share the same scope and subject matter.

The approval authorities of the Member States shall accept approvals granted in accordance with those UNECE Regulations and, where applicable, the pertaining approval marks, in lieu of the corresponding approvals and approval marks granted in accordance with the equivalent separate directive or regulation.

2.Where the Community has decided to apply, for the purposes of paragraph 1, a new UNECE Regulation or a UNECE Regulation as amended, Part II of Annex IV shall be amended as appropriate. These measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 40(2).

Article 36Equivalence with other regulations

The Council may, acting by qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission, recognise the equivalence between the conditions or provisions for EC type-approval of systems, components and separate technical units established by this Directive and the procedures established by international regulations or regulations of third countries, in the framework of multilateral or bilateral agreements between the Community and third countries.