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Your search for English language Scottish Statutory Instruments from 2007 has returned more than 200 results.

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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 (Path Orders) Regulations 20072007 No. 163Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 20072007 No. 162Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Transport (Scotland) Act 2005 (Commencement No. 2) Order 20072007 No. 161 (C. 19)Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Napier University (Scotland) Order of Council 1993 Amendment Order of Council 20072007 No. 160Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Repayment of Student Loans (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 20072007 No. 159Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Education (Student Loans for Tuition Fees) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 20072007 No. 158Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Civil Partnership Act 2004 (Modification of Subordinate Legislation) (Scotland) Revocation Order 20072007 No. 157Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Education Maintenance Allowances (Scotland) Regulations 20072007 No. 156Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Graduate Endowment (Scotland) Regulations 20072007 No. 155Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Education (Student Loans) (Scotland) Regulations 20072007 No. 154Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Students' Allowances (Scotland) Regulations 20072007 No. 153Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Education (Fees and Awards) (Scotland) Regulations 20072007 No. 152Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Nursing and Midwifery Student Allowances (Scotland) Regulations 20072007 No. 151Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Welfare of Animals (Slaughter or Killing) Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 20072007 No. 150Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Education Authority Bursaries (Scotland) Regulations 2007 (revoked)2007 No. 149Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Education (Graduate Endowment, Student Fees and Support) (Scotland) Revocation Regulations 20072007 No. 148Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Tuberculosis (Scotland) Order 2007 (revoked)2007 No. 147Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Farm Woodland Premium Schemes and SFGS Farmland Premium Scheme Amendment (Scotland) Scheme 20072007 No. 146Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The A720 (Edinburgh City Bypass) Trunk Road (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic, Temporary Prohibition of Overtaking and Temporary Speed Restriction) Order 20072007 No. 145Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The Meat (Official Controls Charges) (Scotland) Regulations 2007 (revoked)2007 No. 144Scottish Statutory Instruments

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