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Title Year and Number Legislation Type Review Date
The Official Controls (Plant Health and Genetically Modified Organisms) (England) Regulations 2019 2019/1517 UK Statutory Instruments 14/12/2024
The Smoke Control Areas (Exempted Fireplaces) (England) (No. 2) Order 2014 2014/2404 UK Statutory Instruments
The Tuberculosis (England) (Amendment) Order 2014 2014/714 UK Statutory Instruments
The Plant Health (England) (Amendment) (No.3) Order 2013 2013/2687 UK Statutory Instruments
The Veterinary Medicines Regulations 2011 2011/2159 UK Statutory Instruments
The Environmental Protection (Controls on Ozone-Depleting Substances) Regulations 2011 2011/1543 UK Statutory Instruments
The Animal By-Products (Enforcement)(England) Regulations 2011 2011/881 UK Statutory Instruments
The Marketing of Fruit Plant Material Regulations 2010 2010/2079 UK Statutory Instruments
The Beef and Pig Carcase Classification (England) Regulations 2010 2010/1090 UK Statutory Instruments
The Environmental Permitting (england and Wales) Regulations 2010 2010/675 UK Statutory Instruments 06/04/2017
The Private Water Supplies Regulations 2009 2009/3101 UK Statutory Instruments
The Swine Vesicular Disease Regulations 2009 2009/1299 UK Statutory Instruments
The Environmental Damage (Prevention and Remediation) Regulations 2009 2009/153 UK Statutory Instruments
The Bathing Water Regulations 2008 2008/1097 UK Statutory Instruments
The Site Waste Management Plans Regulations 2008 2008/314 UK Statutory Instruments
The Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2000 (Amendment) Regulations 2007 2007/2734 UK Statutory Instruments
The Large Combustion Plants (National Emission Reduction Plan) Regulations 2007 2007/2325 UK Statutory Instruments
The Older Cattle (Disposal) (England) Regulations 2005 2005/3522 UK Statutory Instruments
The Plant Health (England) Order 2005 2005/2530 UK Statutory Instruments
The Dutch Potatoes (Notification) (England) Order 2005 2005/279 UK Statutory Instruments
The Plant Health (Phytophthora kernovii Management Zone) (England) Order 2004 2004/3367 UK Statutory Instruments
The African Swine Fever (England) Order 2003 2003/2913 UK Statutory Instruments
The Classical Swine Fever (England) Order 2003 2003/2329 UK Statutory Instruments
The Surface Water (Fishlife) (Classification) (Amendment) Regulation 2003 2003/1053 UK Statutory Instruments
The Potatoes Originating in Germany (Notification) (England) Order 2001 2001/3194 UK Statutory Instruments
The Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2000 2000/3184 UK Statutory Instruments
The Brucellosis (England) Order 2000 2000/2055 UK Statutory Instruments
The Surface Water (Fishlife) (Classification) Regulation 1997 1997/1331 UK Statutory Instruments
The Tuberculosis (Deer) Notice of Intended Slaughter and Compensation Order 1989 1989/1316 UK Statutory Instruments
The Warble Fly (England and Wales) (Infected Areas) Order 1985 1985/1542 UK Statutory Instruments
The Warble Fly (England and Wales) Order 1982 1982/234 UK Statutory Instruments
The Control of Atmospheric Pollution (Research and Publicity) Regulations 1977 1977/19 UK Statutory Instruments
The Control of Noise (Appeals) Regulations 1975 1975/2116 UK Statutory Instruments
The River Taw Mussel Fishery Order 1962 1962/1751 UK Statutory Instruments