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- In Force (8)
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- UK Statutory Instruments (8)
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- Plant Health and Quality (8)
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- E+S+W+NI (8)
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- Incoming Fees and Payments (8)
Title | Year and Number | Legislation Type | Review Date |
The Plant Protection Products (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2011 | 2011/2132 | UK Statutory Instruments | |
The Plant Breeders' Rights (Naming and Fees) Regulations 2006 | 2006/648 | UK Statutory Instruments | |
The Plant Protection Products (Payments) Regulations 2001 | 2001/3898 | UK Statutory Instruments | |
The Seeds (National Lists of Varieties) Regulations 2001 | 2001/3510 | UK Statutory Instruments | |
The Seeds (National Lists of Varieties) (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 1999 | 1999/1090 | UK Statutory Instruments | |
The Seeds (National Lists of Varieties) (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 1997 | 1997/383 | UK Statutory Instruments | |
The Seeds (National Lists of Varieties) (Fees) Regulations 1994 | 1994/676 | UK Statutory Instruments | |
The Plant Varieties and Seeds Tribunal Rules 1974 | 1974/1136 | UK Statutory Instruments |