The Saundersfoot Harbour Empowerment Order 2011

Incorporation of Clauses Acts

3.—(1) The enactments referred to in paragraph (2) are, so far as applicable and not inconsistent with this Order, incorporated with this Order.

(2) The enactments are—

(a)sections 60, 62 to 65, and 75 to 83 of the Commissioners Clauses Act 1847(1); and

(b)sections 2, 3, 4, 23, 27, 29, 31 to 46, 52, 53, 55 to 59, 61 to 66, 69 to 71, 73 to 78 and 83 of the 1847 Act.

(3) The enactments referred to in paragraph (2)(b) have effect as follows—

(a)“the harbour, dock or pier” means the harbour;

(b)“the special Act” means this Order;

(c)“the Promoters of the undertaking” and “the undertakers” mean the Commissioners;

(d)the maximum penalty for any summary offence under any of those sections is level 4 on the standard scale;

(e)“vessel” has the meaning given by article 2;

(f)in section 23, the words “provided that no such lease be granted for a longer term than three years” are omitted; and

(g)nothing in section 53 requires the harbour master to serve on the master of a vessel notice in writing of a direction but such directions may be given orally, or in any other reasonable manner.