The Hornsea Two Offshore Wind Farm Order 2016


15.—(1) The undertaker must, in discharging Condition 8(2)(a), submit details for written approval by the MMO in consultation with the relevant statutory nature conservation body and, in respect of the surveys required under paragraph (2)(a), (b) and (c), in consultation with the Environment Agency, of proposed post-construction surveys, including methodologies (including appropriate buffers, where relevant) and timings, and a proposed format, content and timings for providing reports on the results. The survey proposals must be in general accordance with the principles set out in the in-principle monitoring plan and must specify each survey’s objectives and explain how it will assist in either informing a useful and valid comparison with the pre-construction position and/or will enable the validation or otherwise of key predictions in the environmental statement.

(2) Subject to receipt of specific proposals, so far as applicable, the post-construction surveys must comprise, in outline—

(a)a survey to determine any change in the location, extent and composition of any benthic habitats of conservation, ecological and/or economic importance (including Annex 1 habitats) identified in the pre-construction survey in the parts of the offshore Order limits in which construction works were carried out. The survey design must be informed by the results of the pre-construction benthic survey;

(b)a high-resolution swath bathymetric survey to be undertaken no sooner than 6 months following completion of construction works and disposal activities to include a 100% coverage of the parts of the offshore Order limits with a water depth no greater than 12 metres (referenced to Chart Datum) within which construction works and disposal activities were carried out under this licence to assess any changes in bedform morphology and such further monitoring as may be required to ensure that the cables have been buried or protected and sediment is able to move over any installed cable protection. The need for further surveys must be agreed in writing with the MMO following submission of the first year of survey data;

(c)a high-resolution bathymetric survey of a representative sample area, as may be agreed in writing with the MMO, of the parts of the offshore Order limits with a water depth no greater than 12 metres (referenced to Chart Datum) within which construction works and disposal activities were carried out under this licence following the first major storm event the timing of which must be agreed with the MMO in consultation with Natural England and the Environment Agency;

(d)a grab survey and particle size analysis in the parts of the offshore Order limits within which dredging and disposal activities relating to Work Nos. 3B and 4B were carried out under this licence within 12 months of the completion of the dredging and disposal activities to determine the extent of suitable herring spawning ground habitat within those areas; and

(e)vessel traffic monitoring by automatic identification system, for 28 days taking account seasonal variations in traffic patterns, for a maximum duration of 1 year post- construction. A report must be submitted to the MMO and the MCA at the end of the first year after construction is completed.

(3) The undertaker must carry out the surveys agreed under paragraph (1) and provide the agreed reports in the agreed format in accordance with the agreed timetable, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the MMO in consultation with the relevant statutory nature conservation body.