The Parochial Fees and Scheduled Matters Amending Order 2012

Statutory Instruments

2012 No. 993

Ecclesiastical Law, England

The Parochial Fees and Scheduled Matters Amending Order 2012


29th March 2012

Laid before Parliament

12th April 2012

Coming into force

1st January 2013

In accordance with section 2(1) of the Ecclesiastical Fees Measure 1986(1) (“the Measure”), a draft of this Order has been laid before, and approved by, the General Synod.

The Archbishops’ Council, in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 1(1) and (6) and 2 of the Measure, makes the following Order:

Citation, commencement and interpretation

1.—(1) This Order may be cited as the Parochial Fees and Scheduled Matters Amending Order 2012.

(2) It comes into operation on 1st January 2013.

(3) In this Order “the Measure” means the Ecclesiastical Fees Measure 1986.

Amendment of Schedule A1 to the Ecclesiastical Fees Measure 1986

2.—(1) Part 1 of Schedule A1 to the Measure is amended as follows.

(2) Under “Marriages” omit “Service of Prayer and Dedication after a Civil Marriage, in church” and “Service of Thanksgiving for marriage in church”.

(3) Under “Funerals and Burials of Persons Aged 16 Years or More” omit “Memorial service in church”.

Prescribed fees

3.—(1) Each Table of Parochial Fees set out in Part 1 of the Schedule prescribes, in respect of the period to which it relates, the amount of the parochial fees payable to a parochial church council and to a diocesan board of finance in respect of the matters specified.

(2) Paragraph (1) and provision made by the Tables in Part 1 of the Schedule are subject to section 1(8) of the Measure (which provides that where the relevant parish is a parish of which a cathedral is the parish church, any fees which would, apart from that subsection, be payable to the parochial church council or to the diocesan board of finance, shall, instead, be payable to the corporate body of the cathedral).

(3) Part 2 of the Schedule applies in relation to the parochial fees which are prescribed in the Tables in Part 1.

Revocation of 2010 Order

4.  The Parochial Fees Order 2010(2) is revoked.

The draft of this Order was approved, with amendments, by the General Synod on 7th February 2012

C.J. Podmore

Clerk to the Synod

Church House, Westminster

The Common Seal of the Archbishops’ Council was affixed on 29th March 2012

Legal seal

D. P. White

M. Robinson

Church House, Westminster

Article 3

SCHEDULEFees Prescribed by this Order

PART 1Tables of Parochial Fees

Table of Parochial Fees for the period 1st January 2013 to 31st December 2013

MatterFee payable to diocesan board of financeFee payable to parochial church councilTotal fees payable
Certificate issued at time of baptism11.0011.00
Short certificate of baptism given under Section 2 Baptismal Registers Measure 196111.0011.00
Publication of banns of marriage21.0021.00
Certificate of banns issued at time of publication13.0013.00
Marriage service in church (*)175.00206.00381.00
A. Service in church
Funeral service in church, whether taking place before or after burial or cremation (*)88.0072.00160.00
Burial in churchyard immediately preceding or following on from service in church10.00250.00260.00
Burial in cemetery immediately preceding or following on from service in church26.0026.00
Cremation immediately preceding or following on from service in church26.0026.00
Burial of body in churchyard on separate occasion36.00250.00286.00
Burial of cremated remains in churchyard or other lawful disposal of remains on separate occasion36.00102.00138.00
Burial in cemetery on separate occasion46.0010.0056.00
B. No service in church
Service at graveside98.0072.00170.00
Service in crematorium or cemetery139.0021.00160.00
Burial of body in churchyard36.00250.00286.00
Burial of cremated remains in churchyard or other lawful disposal of remains36.00102.00138.00
C. Certificate issued at time of burial10.0010.00
Permitted in accordance with rules, regulations or directions made by the Chancellor including those relating to a particular churchyard or part of a churchyard (but excluding a monument authorised by a particular faculty) including inscription on existing monument—
Small cross of wood (†)10.0026.0036.00
Small vase not exceeding 305mm x 203mm x 203mm or tablet, plaque or other marker commemorating a person whose remains have been cremated (†)11.0051.0062.00
Any other monument (†)10.00107.00117.00
Additional inscription on existing monument10.0010.0020.00
Searching registers of marriages for period before 1st July 1837—
for up to one hour21.0021.00
for each subsequent hour or part of an hour21.0021.00
Searching registers of baptisms or burials (including provision of one copy of any entry therein)—
for up to one hour21.0021.00
for each subsequent hour or part of an hour21.0021.00
Each additional copy of an entry in a register of baptisms or burials10.0010.00
Inspection of instrument of apportionment or agreement for exchange of land for tithes deposited under Tithe Act 1836
Furnishing copies of above (for every 72 words)10.0010.00

Table of Parochial Fees for the period 1st January 2014 to 31st December 2014

MatterFee payable to diocesan board of financeFee payable to parochial church councilTotal fees payable
Certificate issued at time of baptism12.0012.00
Short certificate of baptism given under Section 2 Baptismal Registers Measure 196112.0012.00
Publication of banns of marriage21.0021.00
Certificate of banns issued at time of publication13.0013.00
Marriage service in church (*)180.00212.00392.00
A. Service in church
Funeral service in church, whether taking place before or after burial or cremation (*)90.0074.00164.00
Burial in churchyard immediately preceding or following on from service in church11.00258.00269.00
Burial in cemetery immediately preceding or following on from service in church27.0027.00
Cremation immediately preceding or following on from service in church27.0027.00
Burial of body in churchyard on separate occasion37.00258.00295.00
Burial of cremated remains in churchyard or other lawful disposal of remains on separate occasion37.00105.00142.00
Burial in cemetery on separate occasion48.0011.0059.00
B. No service in church
Service at graveside91.0074.00175.00
Service in crematorium or cemetery143.0021.00164.00
Burial of body in churchyard37.00258.00295.00
Burial of cremated remains in churchyard or other lawful disposal of remains37.00105.00142.00
C. Certificate issued at time of burial11.0011.00
Permitted in accordance with rules, regulations or directions made by the Chancellor including those relating to a particular churchyard or part of a churchyard (but excluding a monument authorised by a particular faculty) including inscription on existing monument—
Small cross of wood (†)11.0027.0038.00
Small vase not exceeding 305mm x 203mm x 203mm or tablet, plaque or other marker commemorating a person whose remains have been cremated (†)12.0052.0064.00
Any other monument (†)11.00110.00121.00
Additional inscription on existing monument11.0011.0022.00
Searching registers of marriages for period before 1st July 1837—
for up to one hour21.0021.00
for each subsequent hour or part of an hour21.0021.00
Searching registers of baptisms or burials (including provision of one copy of any entry therein)—
for up to one hour21.0021.00
for each subsequent hour or part of an hour21.0021.00
Each additional copy of an entry in a register of baptisms or burials11.0011.00
Inspection of instrument of apportionment or agreement for exchange of land for tithes deposited under Tithe Act 1836
Furnishing copies of above (for every 72 words)11.0011.00

PART 2Provisions that apply in relation to the parochial fees prescribed in Part 1

1.  Where “—” appears in a table no fee is payable to the body indicated.

2.  The fee for a certificate issued at the time of baptism is for a certified copy of the entry in the register book of baptisms giving the particulars required in Form No 1 in Schedule 1 to the Parochial Registers and Records Measure 1978(3). The fees payable for such a certified copy issued at any other time are the fees prescribed for searching registers of baptisms or burials and, if applicable, for each additional copy of an entry in a register of baptisms or burials.

3.  Where a matter is marked (*), any costs and expenses incurred in relation to that matter in respect of routine administration (including arranging dates and times and the making of entries in registers), making the church available and lighting it are included in the fee prescribed as payable to the parochial church council.

4.  Where section 1(8) of the Measure applies, paragraph 3 shall apply as if the references to the parochial church council were to the corporate body of the cathedral.

5.  The fees marked (†) include fees in respect of the approval of the original inscription by the incumbent.

6.  Any fee prescribed under the heading “SEARCHES IN CHURCH REGISTERS ETC.” for a copy, is for a certified copy; and where provision of a copy is included in the fee for a search, that fee includes the provision of a certified copy.

7.  In the case of a burial under the Burial Laws Amendment Act 1880(4), the fees prescribed in respect of a burial in a churchyard are payable.

8.  Where a layman publishes banns under section 9(2) of the Marriage Act 1949(5), the fees prescribed in respect of the publication of banns of marriage are payable.

9.  Where a churchwarden allows a search to be made in a register of baptisms or burials or gives a copy of an entry in such a register under section 20(1) of the Parochial Registers and Records Measure 1978, the fees prescribed in respect of such searches and to the giving of such copies are payable.


(This note is not part of the Order)

The Order amends Schedule A1 to the Ecclesiastical Fees Measure 1986 by removing the following services from the table of matters in respect of which parochial fees may be prescribed: Service of Prayer and Dedication after a Civil Marriage, in church; Service of Thanksgiving for marriage in church; Memorial service in church.

The Order goes on to prescribe the parochial fees payable in respect of certain matters in connection with marriages and burials and the erection of monuments in churchyards and in respect of other, miscellaneous matters. The fees are in substitution for the fees prescribed by the Parochial Fees Order 2010 (S.I. 2010/1924).


1986 No. 2; relevant amendments were made by S.I. 1998/1715 and the Ecclesiastical Fees (Amendment) Measure 2011 (2011 No. 2).


43 & 44 Vict. c.41.


12, 13 & 14 Geo. 6 c. 76.